Our Christmas Present (BTS Taehyung)

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Kim Taehyung alias Santa Claus. That was who he was.

Taehyung worked tirelessly throughout the year, collecting children's wishes and wrapping gifts to be delivered every Christmas. And of course, his lovely wife Y/N Claus helped him the best you could. You both worked every day round the clock for the one day that would bring smiles to everyone's faces. Christmas Eve. You travelled around the world in ONE night to deliver gifts to children. The smiles on their faces the following day made it all worth it.

You were wrapping the last gift for a kid named Danny. The kid was adorable. He wished for a better laptop because he couldn't see his mother struggling with work from home with an old laptop. You decided to get him a gift for himself, a remote-controlled helicopter. It had been his second wish but no harm in giving him both.

Suddenly, you heard a crash and turned around to find that Taehyung was missing. He had been there just seconds ago, wrapping gifts with you. You struggled to make your way through the gifts towards Taehyung to find him lying in a pile of presents.

"Oh, God! Taehyung! What happened? Are you okay?" You lifted him up to make him lean on you and laid him on the couch.

"Y/N... I think I have a fever," He coughed out. He had appeared sick since afternoon, but you had shrugged it off.

"No way...! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, you cannot give presents in this condition, and Grayson Claus isn't on Earth too!! What should we do?!" You exclaimed, trying to put a cold cloth over Taehyung's head and gathering ingredients to make broth.

Grayson Claus was Taehyung's brother, Kim Seojoon. He delivered presents on Christmas Eve too, but he was unfortunately on another planet where they had requested extra help.

"Hey, Y/N. Calm down," He said, trying to eat the soup from the spoon that you were holding near his mouth, "You are capable enough for the job. I know you can do it."

"What?! No! I can't do it, Taehyung!" You were panicking at this point. You knew that it wasn't going to help you, but this was a crisis, and you didn't know what to do. This was the first time you were faced with such a situation.

"Y/N! You've always come with me on Christmas Eve. You know how to do my job, Y/N-ah!" He encouraged you.

"But... "

"Come on, Y/N! I'll come with you like how you come with me every time," He begged you, "There's no other option Y/N..." He said softly. You could imagine all the heartbroken faces of the kids. You had to do this!

"I'll do it!" Taehyung's face immediately brightened up, "But, you'll stay at home, Taehyung. It's freezing outside, and we'd have to travel in negative temperatures. Your fever will intensify." You told him firmly.

"No, Y/N. I'll be fine. I'll wear extra layers for warmth," He insisted. You gave him medicines and put him to sleep.

You were anxious. You had never done this before, it was only ever travelling with him, you had never considered the possibility of replacing Taehyung for one day. You tried to calm down. Today was the 22nd. People opened gifts on 24th, so you had to travel on the night of 23rd. However, the whole world did not open presents at the same time, so you had a little less burden. Tomorrow would be spent stacking the presents accordingly so that you could travel without hassle. The elves had retreated after the gifts were all wrapped perfectly. The reindeers were already prepared for the journey. If only you could calm down, everything would go perfectly as planned.

The next day you were just as anxious, if not more. Taehyung's fever had gone down a little. Hopefully, he could travel all night with you. You wouldn't be able to survive by yourself. God forbid you forgot to deliver a present! You didn't even want to imagine it. You made preparations for the day, stocking all the gifts in the right places for more ease. Taehyung tried to help as much as he could, but you forbade him from moving even as much as an inch.

"So, are you ready?" Taehyung asked as you both took your places in the sledge. You'd usually sit beside him as he drove, but this time the positions were exchanged.

"I'll never be ready," You chuckled nervously. Taehyung patted your head while whispering encouraging words.

You took charge of the reindeer and sped off to deliver presents.

To say that it was tiring would be the understatement of the century. Climbing through the chimneys in the house was difficult but getting up the chimney was even more difficult. You were thankful for the houses with a chimney. Santa Claus had a mysterious key that could open any door. You were grateful for the existence of such houses. Taehyung took the responsibility of giving you the right gift to deliver. He watched helplessly as you did his job.

Soon, it was almost 4 in the morning, and you were delivering the last present. It was already way past the schedule, you were supposed to finish by 3:30, but that didn't happen as it was your first time. You couldn't risk waking the household up, but you had to deliver the present, so you went in through the front door as the house didn't have a chimney. You carefully placed the gift under the tree when you realized that this was the house of the kid who requested a better laptop for his mother. Taehyung didn't know that you were supposed to deliver the last 2 presents here. You quickly ran back to bring the last present.

"Why did you wrap an extra one?" Taehyung asked, confused.

"The kid requested a gift for his mom, so I decided to gift it to him along with his present," You chirped. Taehyung's heart melted seeing your warm smile.

"Um... Thanks a lot for the present, Santa Claus," You and Taehyung were stunned. No one was supposed to see you both. "I'm so sorry for staying awake. I was curious to see you." The kid apologized for seeing you.

"Oh... It's okay, child. Take this present and keep this a secret," You handed him his actual present and winked at him.

"T-Thank you so much!" The kid exclaimed, "I just have one more question. Which one of you is Santa Claus?" The kid asks, confused.

"I'm the real Santa Claus, but I'm sick today, so my wife Mrs Claus delivered the presents today," Taehyung explains, bending to reach the kid's height.

"Oh no! I hope you get well soon, Santa Claus." Taehyung pats his head. "Thank you so much for giving presents for every Christmas. I work hard every year to deserve your gift!" The boy says proudly. You can feel your heart-melting. After all, you only gave presents to good children.

"Don't worry about me, my boy. I'll get well soon. Keep working hard, we'll come again to give you presents next year too." The boy pinky promised you both and left with a skip in his step.

"It's always worth it to see such smiles. That's our Christmas present," You and Taehyung share a look and cry happy tears.

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