"Somebody had a son." Killian whispered, but was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Cynthia, Heather, and Dear were all taken aback. Everyone looked at them, trying to figure out what was going on.

"M—my son." Cynthia said. "Before Heather was born, I had a son. His name was Jackson. He was ten when he passed away from leukemia—three months before Heather was born."

"He's coming back so mommy can get the chance to meet him." Killian said.

"Who told you this, baby boy? Shakur asked.

"My mom and some of her friends." Killian replied. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong." Heather assured him. "It looks like you have a gift and we're just trying to get accustomed to it. We thank you for sharing everything with us."

"Your great auntie had the same gift, little man." Big Mama told him.

"Hold up—my mama?" Arman questioned and Big Mama nodded. "Her crackhead ass was able to—oh—oop, my bad."

Big Mama sighed and shook her head as Shakur and Amaru tried to hold in their laughter. "Yes, she had the gift. I'm not sure if she's still able to use it."

"I doubt it because the crack—oh, there I go again." Arman said. "I'm about to call Mya to check on her. This is too much."

Amaru and Shakur cracked up while everyone else shook their heads. Arman has been a character since he was a child, but he hasn't grown out of it yet and probably never will.


"Amaru, stop crying baby." Heather told him.

"It's okay, daddy." Killian said, hugging him.

It was the next day and it was Killian's birthday. They just finished singing happy birthday to Killian after they ate breakfast and Amaru couldn't help the tears from falling. His little boy was growing up and he didn't know how to take it.

"He does this every doggone year." Arman said as he handed his older cousin some tissue.

"Shut up, dawg." Amaru retorted as he wiped his face. "My little man is growing up."

"I'll always be your little man, daddy." Killian assured him.

Amaru smiled. "Thank you, man."

"Now it's time to party!" Killian shouted. "Do I get my gifts now or later?!"

"Oh you lit, huh?" Shakur teased. "Here, it's auntie."

"Auntie!" Killian exclaimed as he took the phone.

"Hey, my baby! Happy birthday to you!" Mya said.

"Thank you, auntie. I still wish you were here." Killian replied as he walked away with the phone with Micah following behind him.

"What time do the festivities start?" Nova asked as she began to gather some of the dishes.

"We have a couple of hours to spare." Amaru said. "I'm gonna take a quick nap."

Amaru had the whole day planned. They are going to go on a private yacht first where they will be having a little party and eat lunch. Next, they are going to take surfing lessons. Then when night falls, they are going to have an outside dinner with a fire show and hula dancing. All of this was a surprise to Killian and Amaru knew he was going to be excited for every activity.

"Hell, we all need a quick nap." Big Mama chimed in. "Let's get this kitchen and stuff together so we can rest."


"I'm king of the world!" Killian yelled as he steered the yacht with the captain.

Arman laughed as he recorded his little cousin. "Just wait till I send this to auntie. You showin' out."

"C'mon y'all, lunch is ready." Cynthia said.

"Okay, Killian. You go enjoy your lunch and I'll be down her waiting on you." The captain said.

"Okay! I'll be back!" Killian replied as he allowed Arman to help him out of the chair. "This is the best birthday ever, cousin!" He said as they walked up the stairs.

"I'm glad you're having fun, Kill. Your dad outdid himself this year." Arman told him.

"He did! I love my daddy!" Killian exclaimed.

They met everyone on the third level and Killian was escorted to the head of the table. They were served pokè bowls so it could be light on the stomach, but also fill them up. Amaru didn't want anyone eating anything too heavy because they will be in the water next.

After their lunch, Killian went back downstairs with the captain along with Micah until it was time to go back to the shore for their surfing lessons. Arman had everyone cracking up due to him being the main one falling.

After surfing, they went back to the house to shower and rest a bit before dinner. Amaru got Killian out of the shower and wrapped a towel around him. "Daddy." Killian said as he shivered a bit.

"Sup?" Amaru replied while helping him dry off so he wouldn't be cold anymore.

"Thank you for being the best daddy in the world. I love you." Killian told him.

Amaru smiled. "I love you too, son."


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