Chapter 15 - Secrets

ابدأ من البداية


"Good. Bear hug?" Niki asked quietly.

I smiled.

"Yeah." I answered vaguely.

We hugged for about 2 minutes straight.

"Thankyou Niki. For helping me understand." I stated.

"It's okay Cara. You just need to let go of the past, okay?" Niki questioned me.

"Okay, I will."

"Good. Now let's get to class. Y/n is probably extremely confused right now."

"Oh sh*t yeah."


We both laughed.

"Okay let's go."

And we left to go to class.


*Y/n POV*

"Where's Puffy?" Tommy asked abruptly.

"Oh, she went of to the bathroom with Niki. She looked upset for some reason. Maybe it was me? I don't kno-"

"Oh shut up y/n, you know it wasn't you." He cut me off.

"We'll you don't know that-" I started.

"I do know because I'm smart and I'm a-" he started.

"Big man, yes I know." I cut him off.

We just laughed.

"Hey guys!" A voice called out.

It was Tubbo! :D

And ranboo behind him.

"What's up Tubbo and... American." He said in disgust.

"Hey! What'd I do this time?" Ranboo asked.

"You breathed." Tommy answered dumbly.

"Tommy don't be such a d*ck." Tubbo said.


"Yeah, yeah we get it Tommy." Another voice called.

It was Fundy and Eret! :D

"Oh hi Fundy! Oh and Eret." Tubbo announced.

"Hi Tubbo! Hi Y/n Tommy and Ranboo as well." Eret greeted.

"Hi!" I answered.

We continued until the bell rang.

Puffy and Niki weren't back yet, i wonder what's happen-

And then i saw them.

Cara looked distraught, and Niki looked worried.

I ran up to Cara and hugged her.

Dream Smp School - Technoblade x Y/nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن