A fallen outlaw hero

Start from the beginning

Keyword: try

The skater just got bitten by the rumors where it hurt the most. The authority immediately reacted for once and arrested him a few hours earlier and Sam was not even taken with the officers. He even met a cop who was a fan of his work, he would congrats him for his amazing job and propose him a career in the same domain as his. Sam felt proud of himself for gaining attention in a good way for once.

Until now, his subscribers' number keep increasing and he was genuinely too scared to even watch how big it has gotten. He knew that denouncing a very known kid would change his reputation, and he knew that he was receiving a lot of threats, affection, and friend requests from strangers in the media.

Sam smiled softly when he remembered one of his friends encouraging him in his plans. He looks down on that poor-looking bloody clown he had made and turned the page with no emotions. He began scribbling a circle that soon became a face with the brightest smile and the shiniest eyes possible. The hairs would be a sharp golden and her checks would be in a pink tint. Yes, it was her, Morgan, she was one of his friends that would constantly encourage him.

Sam wished she would be there until now, so she would see how brave he had become. Maybe she was already watching him from the sky? He didn't know.

His train of thought was cut by his mother who restart grumbling at him, the woman was getting even angrier by the slow cars in front of them and was even madly honking at them.

-I don't know why, one day out of nowhere, I decided to have you, what you did was so embarrassing! You're such a disappointment!! She muttered under her breath, biting her lips hard. When the path was clear, she took a sharp turn and drive in the left direction, and began accelerating. The boy behind her looked at his mother worried about any accidents but relaxed slightly when no automobiles were in the road with them. He felt his shoulders lessened and his hands tightly gripping on the seat.

-Your whole existence is embarrassing actually, I-I should have never given birth to you..., deep down, her words touched him, but he always promised himself to never cry in front of his mother. He knew she wanted him to disappear,i at least for a while. Discreetly, Samuel put his headphones on with his hood to hide them so he could fake-listen her while listening to music. He could still hear his mother's voice but couldn't comprehend what she was saying, he couldn't care less.

Soon, the ride became silent as both sides calmed down. The mother would turn on the radio and listen to some 90s music while the son would scribble Morgan and a letter. She was tired of speaking to a wall, communicating with him was annoying, and she was tired of trying. Discussing with Samuel is complicated and boring, he usually doesn't speak or don't even try to express anything toward another, he's an outcast or a freak, like his mother would call him.

What gave hope to his mother was his sudden interest in ice skating and every other sport with skates and rollers, convincing him to join some classes was big, but what was even bigger was his entering a National team at a very young age that would go on tv. Sam was good, talented, and excellent in sport, there was no doubt that he would have become first or second in the national ranking. But soon has come another one of his interests that has newly arrived and was gonna disrupt the life his mother would have put up together for him.

It already did actually.

At first, she told herself that his son would be some stupid artist in figure skating and drawing, she was rather comfortable with this idea, but seeing her son skipping training sessions and going to drawing classes instead made her realize her mistake very quickly.

She caught him drawing horrible things, not that he was a bad artist, what he was creating was terrifying. One day it would be some pretty fictional characters, imaginative animals, or landscape, but on the other day, he would draw some very disturbing scenes, creepy characters, or skeletons killing bloody children.

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