Chapter 13 - Take Two

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Scotland gasps as he looks around London. There were so many people! How can there be this many people in the world? How is there room?

As Scotland passed by, people starred, but Scotland didn't notice.

He twirls around and then sees some people riding... kelpies...? but they didn't have any seaweed or green coloring. Scotland tilts his head and follows the horse.

The man riding the kelpie didn't notice at first, but then the horse turns its head when Scotland petted it.

"Hey! What are you doing to the horse?" The man tells his head in confusion, no kid let alone a teenager has his pet horse before, and what was with the kid's look? he seemed amazed almost like he hadn't seen a horse before.

Scotland looked up at the man you can now see clearly that he had a flag. "Oh. Sorry." The flagged boy spoke slowly then look at the horse. "Where did you find... Such a clean kelpie?" Scotland did know how to describe the horse, besides clean and pure. There was no seaweed, no sharp teeth, no death glare, and no ghostly appearance.

"Kelpie? Those mythical creatures? They don't exist." The man started to lose his patience, he didn't have time for some mentally sick boy to talk to him foolishly. "Go find your mother and brother I'm sure they will tell you all about a horse. I'm busy and don't have time for this."

The Beautiful Brown Beast listened perfectly to the man and took him away. With that, the man rode off.

Scotland takes a step out to the street to watch them disappear.

He was left in Amazement. how did that man tame a kelpie? Scotland had no idea how to even start taming a Kelpie, they were too wild and Attacked on sight. How did these people protect themselves? They had no wisps, no dragon, no Spirit of the forest. how did they protect themselves?

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out. "There he is!"

Scotland jumps and turns. The men in the Redcoats I found him, guess they found the chains were empty.

The country ran, He went straight for the markets thinking that would be at least a good spot to get some cover and obstacles.

He jumps over under and around all the people and the carts with food in them. Scotland snagged an apple, he was hungry and hadn't eaten all day.

The men shouted for everyone to move so that they could get the boy, but most of the people were too confusing a colored person fly by them; They weren't used to seeing brightly colored people besides the British Empire.

Scotland keeps running, he was searching for a forest someplace he could run away. Where was it wisp when you needed one?

"Will!" Scotland yells out. He had to be around. Will could always finds him. Maybe he just needs a little longer to find him.

Scotland heard a boom. The same one he heard that caused them to see blood. He already knew he was in trouble but it was getting serious.

The young country already started getting tired. He needs to find someplace to hide.

He sees an opening in a building and runs into it and hides behind a corner.

The red coats pass by, not noticing him or seeing that he made a turn.

Scotland sighs in relief. He then goes deeper into the opening in the building and looks around. It was a big space and it held a giant circle of some sort on wheels.

"What has humanity turned into?"

He then takes a bite of an apple. He perks up and eats it more, liking the taste.

[Canceled] Rain clouds - Countryhuman British Isles Headcannon StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt