Chapter 4 - Catching On

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Britain and England noticed that the light outside was fading.

"I guess it's time for me to leave." Britain shrugged.

"Are you sure you can't maybe stay a little longer?" England pleaded. They were both sitting at a small table with two chairs (in England's room of course).

Britain looked at England then smiled. "Fine, a little longer."

"Yay." England cheered.

Britain chuckles at England's behavior. His eyes glance to the collar around his neck, it didn't seem to be there for good reasons. "England, what is that collar for?"

England's mood changed. His smile left, his eyes widen, and Britain could tell he was panicked. "I-It's nothing." England looks down.

Britain stares at it. "It just looks... uncomfortable."

"I-It's really not... a little tight... but very necessary." England looks at him and smiles reassuringly.

"I... okay." Britain left it at that.


England luckily recovered and was able to go to the library a couple of times and run into Britain.

They now considered each other best friends and were in a good tune around each other.

Like one time, England couldn't sneak Britain into the library one day so Britain chilled by the window England sat by and entertained his friend very well.

England would often space out as Britain would talk to him. The thought of how the British Empire treated him and how his bruises might catch Britain's eye, was a constant fear that wouldn't go away.

Some days were worse than others, like today.

England sat uncomfortably in his chair as Britain talked on and on. England smiled to hide his fear.

He wasn't even sure why he was so scared.

It's not like Britain would judge him... Right? Britain wouldn't think he was a freak... Right?

England felt his heart start racing.

"England?" Britain snaps England out of his thoughts. England jumps.

"U-uh, y-yes?"

Britain grows worried, England hasn't been acting himself. "Are you okay?"

England smiled. "Of course!"

"You've been covering your cheek this entire time." Britain pointed to his hand.

England started to internally scream. "Nothing! There's nothing... It's nothing..."

Britain was quiet at first. "England... If it was nothing then you wouldn't be so nervous, and I can tell that whatever your hiding isn't good."

England looked down. "You're not going to judge... right?"

"No, I won't judge."

England slow took his hand off his face to show a new bruise, and everyone should know where that came from. England kept his head down but was sure that Britain was worried. "I-It's just a bruise, nothing special..."

Britain hissed, seeing how dark it was. Must have been painful to feel. "How'd you get it?"

"I..." England searches for an excuse. "I ran into a wall." England couldn't lie and look someone in the eye.

"England," Britain said. England looked up at him. "Look me in the eyes and say that again."

England felt himself grow fearful. "I-I... H-Hit a-a wall..." England's eye darted around, not wanting to show how scared he was, but his body language clearly showed it.

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