Chapter 1 - New Faces

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Once again, Welcome and thank you for starting this book with me.


The palace in London, England, 1674 with a warm summer day outside. Many people were out to enjoy the weather that was usually rainy. June brought many colorful flowers out and about. Inside the Buckingham Palace, there a powerful Colonial Empire lived. 

A little countryhuman was minding his own business. He was dressed in his normal day clothing. A red doublet, gray breeches, white stockings, and the usual leather shoes. He was a good height but he wasn't the tallest country out there. He also had one blue eye and one yellow eye. He had just turned 13-years-old.

He was trying to read a book but he hasn't been able to understand the big words and had to sound them out loud and pause multiple times.

"I walk along... the road... I am a... way... farer... Listening to my own code... I have no a phobia... Athazagoraphobia... A wonder life-"

"Louder." The British Empire said coldly. He was sitting in front of the younger country. His black and yellow eyes glared at him. This is one of the reasons why the small country was so nervous, he had to speak in front of someone.

He had his big Heterochromia eyes staring at the empire in surprise and nervousness. Then, quickly continues before the empire asks again. "A wonder life ahead... I run... in the... stream... I am a... free... human... hearing the... bur... gon..."

"England... You should know how to read properly by now."

England didn't look at him, he just stared to the side in guilt. "I know..."

"I will give you one more day to study the poem and one book. If you fail to read properly by then... I'll have to find a punishment." British Empire stood up.

[Canceled] Rain clouds - Countryhuman British Isles Headcannon StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora