That was what we did. Anytime. No need for secrets.

He told me if I ever wanted to know something I just had to ask, to air it out no matter the time or place, even if I woke him up at 3am or barged into an important meeting.

Which I of course wouldn't do, but I got the gist of it.

I wanted to know If he actually even wanted kids one day, I needed to know a little more into the future for us, just to have an idea.

So I open the door, walking into Rhys's office holding a box with a cheesecake slice in it and a big smile with hidden news behind it till I see- a man.

Who is not Emrhys.

I blink as a man, an older man, leans on Rhys's desk, typing away, glasses perched on his nose and he looks up at my arrival since the door makes a sound, closing behind me but not clicking.

My eyes widen when I realize who it is.


Its his dad.

He eyes me and I smile almost warily back before, clearing my throat, door not fully closed, tension rising into something that I can only place as... awkwardness?

"H-hi, hi sorry, we haven't met before, im Calliope, Ambrose's sister." I ramble through my sentence as I walk closer inside, but he never once smiles and I almost squirm under his intense scrutiny.

"Calliope? As in Dylan?"

I nod a small nod, but my neck feels so stiff that I stop at  just one nod, "Everyone calls me that, yes."

Except my boyfriend, of course.

Where is that man anyway?

I look around the office as if i'd just walked in and missed the 6 foot 3 mans presence but nope, he was most definitely not anywhere in here.

Before I can speak up once again to ask Jack if he has seen Rhys, he speaks up instead, "You look like her." He says absentmindedly and I look to him, watching as he eyes me leisurely, like he is shocked of what he is seeing in front of him and needs a moment to process it,

I just stare at him.

I look like who?

"Your mother." He clarifies, seeing as I was greatly confused by the suddenness of his comment, "You look like your mother, when she was young."


I try not to cringe because that fact almost makes my skin crawl.

You look like a woman who is now dead.

I think it sounded better if I just thought of her as my mom and not my, dead, mother.

I stare at him, trying not to frown at the fact that he couldn't be with my mother because she didn't even love him, but his son got me, and i'm so damn in love with him.

Oh the irony.

I smile but I don't answer because for some reason it pissed me off a little that I resembled the face of a cheater, the one thing I loathed more than anything else.

I tried to forgive her beyond the grave for having another kid.


And not making it a point for any of us to know, and the biggest mistake she'd made was assuming he was one of the four Blackburn boys... which he was not.

But ever since our brother sister relationship began to grow a little more over the past six months I didn't care as much, I guess months ago i'd just been more angry at the loss of a bond with my brother than anything.

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