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"One last exhale, Jake. Last one."

I forgot how much I've pleaded for him to breathe and made sure he's alright before my hands helped Carlisle break his bones and rearrange it. Every crack echoed ten times, every scream he made was a stab to the heart, and his firm grasp nearly breaking my fingers. But he continued to hold on to me as Carlisle placed a gentle hand on his torso, and cracked the last of the last. It probably helped that I could see him in my head. I could see whenever he'd flung his arms for something to hit whenever he's in so much pain. I see everything before he could even say a word.

Carlisle nodded then, content that all his bones would heal correctly this time that I hugged him gratefully as he left before leaning down to wipe Jacob's tears and sweat. His warmth was overwhelming—burning even. But he looked much, much better now than he was when I first arrived. The man did so much as a flinch that he'd cry endlessly in agony. Now, his improvements seemed to show when he's able to readjust on his small bunk, finding a comfortable position.

"I'm sorry." I immediately croak with utter regret and shame as his hands moved to clasp between my fingers. "I'm sorry I pushed you away again. I'm sorry I broke my promise. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you and most of all, I'm sorry I broke all your bones again." Jacob managed to laugh even though he was still going through extensive healing. It was fast enough for rearranging to hurt that much.

"Jade, please." He murmured under his breath, "You didn't do anything. I think—I guessed that maybe she did something so unforgivable that you had to deal with her alone. I wouldn't take that right away from you. Not in a million years." My god, I've never been so undeservingly lucky. I did all that and he still understood without a word. "Besides, I had to protect the pack. Leah was in trouble and even with her constant complaints and anger, she has a family with us. So, you never need to apologize for what I chose to do. And for giving my bones a complete makeover. I think you and Doc actually fixed the injury I got when I was a kid."

I shoved his shoulders, forgetting he was healing when he groaned a little but laughed at the same time. "Caius came to see me." I said, knowing he deserves to know every bit from a to z. "He found out about you, about the wolves."

"What?!" Jacob flinched but I pushed his chest down at the mattress.

"You better not mess with my handiwork, wolf." He nodded warily, "Don't worry. I told him the truth. That you're my mate and if he ultimately decides to be stupid, I'll kill him."

"Can you trust him?"

"We'll never really know the answer to that, Jake. I guess he somewhat left it to fulfilling a debt he owed me a long, long time ago. I have to trust his word. And if he chooses to betray me eventually, then I'll send him to hell together with his army of idiots in outdated cloaks."

Jacob chuckled but held firm on my hands, "We'll fight side by side, Jade. I'll kick his ass for you. You only need to ask." I smiled, bending down to kiss him, to embrace his warmth, to hear his gentle heart beating fast across his chest.

"Also, I think we'll have to retake the better predator test. My guess is that I will win. I'll bet a fortune on that."

"How will you win, then?"

I told him in clearer detail what happened to me all throughout the whole day. "I struggled with some of the facts a while ago but now that I realized it, and remembered every last detail, it became clear to me that the reason why I was struggling to function is because my ability needed time to regenerate. I wasn't at my fullest capability. It wasn't very heard of that a vampire develops later in their full maturity. But anger had a role in it, and as that fueled my rage to the extent, it just happened. I still feel like a newborn again. Like a shark in a frenzy. But it can be kept at bay. That's why when Carlisle asked for help, I channeled my all to not damage you any more than you already have. My hands are dangerously strong and it occurred to me that I can't hold you right just yet while I'm getting used to it."

COLD ONES ― jacob black ✓Where stories live. Discover now