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I felt the cold shiver of death.

I blinked and there's blood—so much of it that it almost choked me. My hands were shaking, and a scream climbed up my throat but my voice was hoarse at the terrifying next, at the images that I'll never forget. I tried to block it off, despite the soft fur that blew and caressed my arms. I tried to blink away the burning fire, the earth splitting into two, or the sound of wail and despair petrifying my core. My family... The wolves... Jacob.

We're all going to die.

"Jacob." A hushed whisper came out of me, and I saw him close to me, nuzzling my cheek. I had to blink hard, to keep my mind close or I fear I may never come out of it.

There's no death.

When I opened my eyes, we're still here. Still waiting as Aro's eyes gleam and grow weary. He's watching it all—what I've seen in my mind that I couldn't bring myself to utter another sound. But I was certain, as soon as his crimson eyes widen, that he finally saw the moment he perished.

"Jade." Edward called, probably having seen it all just the same. He laid a hand on me and I graciously accepted it, fearing for the weakness that I could feel on my knees. He laid me next to Jacob's back as Aro's figure flinched and visibly backed away with fear written across his face.

He glanced at us, and for a brief moment, there was consideration in his eyes. He knew the risk of backing away would ruin his perfectly curated image as a fearsome leader, but the look he gave me was enough to know that if he goes through, he will not be here to watch how he burns.

A quiet beat surrounded us as Alice stepped away with a lingering threat. "Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course." He held his gaze, assessing his fate so carefully that it's almost too laughable even in my state.

Edward spoke. "What if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?"

"Of course." Caius drew close. "But that cannot be known."

"Actually, it can."

Alice smiled as another presence made its way to the white fields. One woman with blood red eyes, and a man with a heartbeat echoing loudly in my ears. My eyes traveled to Renesmee, bearing the same symphonic melody in their chests. They crossed the clearing, standing next to Alice as she spoke. "I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil." She nodded at them to finally speak.

"I am half human, half vampire. Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal.

Bella's hurried voice echoed. "How old are you?"

The man looked back. "A hundred and fifty years."

"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked.

"I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then."

"And your diet?"

"Blood, human food. I can survive on either."

"These children are much like us." Marcus whispered.

Aro paused, his eyes traveling to his brothers and as they both shared a small nod, he turned completely to his witnesses. "Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today." Disappointment aired through within his loyal guards, but quickly, they made their way back ever so slowly and completely until what's left were Aro, Marcus, and Caius. 

Caius, in him, as Chelsea went away, was a solemn gaze. As our eyes met, his head moved the tiniest bit, almost non-existent, but couldn't be quite missed. He risked all that he had for my family, and I found it meant the world to me. His last good bye to me was walking away, with the tiniest promise that we'd probably never see each other again. 

Aro was the only one then. His quiet gaze, watching us, plotting his special course. I knew him too well, and yet, there was no fear. Not anymore.

Today, we're unprepared. Soon, we'll be ready. But until then, his eyes spoke to us in a quiet whisper. "Such a prize."

Aro finally left.

Vladimir and Stefan were hot on their trail, anger laced in their faces from the wasted chance. "We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack!"

Carlisle smiled. "Not today."

My ears fell deaf at Stefan's whining before they completely left, or how Caroline was talking my ears off, or the celebration, still holding onto Jacob as if it's the only thing keeping me at bay. I looked at him as the wolves began to leave one by one and leaned my forehead over his fur with an exhale of relief. "I was scared." I said quietly, listening to his breathing. "I was so fucking scared." It was lighter to admit that my fears had almost materialized, and with him close to me, I could almost see the blurry, dark end of our future. 

The light at the end of the long goddamn tunnel. "It's finally over."

Jacob took a step and looked at me as my family began leaving the field. He bobbed his head and on an incredible high, I forgot about everything else and followed him as he ran to the tree line.

In between our fast pace and the trees between us, my laugh echoed in the forest as snow fell amidst us. Jacob slowly phased, and as he appeared behind a boulder, he's already fully dressed in jeans and shirt, completely in his human form, while he ran into my direction and we continued our path. I could almost feel the cold nipping my skin at the speed we're taking, at the jagged rocks and uneven land, at the hush sound of nature or the disturbed peace of it. 

We ran and ran, as far as our feet would take us, without the utmost care for anything else right now but this. This moment of being unafraid and free. 

The moment when it all finally ended. No more hurt, tears, or the threat of yesterday. 

We ran, until we reached the cliff, where Jacob held on to my figure and threw us just a few feet away from the edge. 

We fell to the ground with a loud laugh, neither of us injured from the reckless activity, while he heaved his breath and held onto me. "Jade." He called as I rolled right above him, almost never wanting to lose another second away from his warm grasp. "My Jade." He murmured, cupping both my cheeks while I looked down at him, to his eyes, his cheeks, and his lip. "I love you with everything of me, Jade Cullen."

"I'm all yours, Jake. Here, and the other side. You have me." I kissed him, I kissed him fervently while we plummet in our well-earned moment of peace. A flicker of hope grew in my chest, every second, and every minute as he held me close in his arms. A hope that branched through my skin, to the cold earth, and the sound of rushing water sweeping it away.

We could finally start the rest of our forevers.

We could finally be happy.

COLD ONES ― jacob black ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя