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        "Where is my son! Where is my boy! What have you done to him!?" She screamed.

        "Junior is dead," was his only response.

        "How dare you say that!" she spat at him. He just stood there with a look of evil plastered on his face.

        "It's the truth love," he responded.

        "You bastard! What did you do to him?" she shrieked.

         "If I wanted you to know I would have told you. You seem to have lost your tongue while I have been gone. Have you forgotten your place?" Hudson stated menacingly. She cowered slightly, but the anger never left her face. Hudson then flashed a sinister sneer, and walked into the living room. She followed him cautiously, staying an arm's length away from him. He sat down in front of the television, reclining in his favorite luxury chair, which was one of a small line of the most expensive chairs on the market.

        "Where is my meal? I do believe I deserve a proper banquet for my return," Hudson ordered, dismissing her with his hand. She wanted to argue. She wanted to tell him no. She wanted to walk straight up to him, and hit him as hard as she possibly could. She wanted to demand that he tell her where he had been hiding, and what he had done with her son. Instead she slowly shuffled herself into the kitchen. She brang out all the ingredients. Her tears fell into every pot and pan. She was trapped within his grip once again.

        Weeks passed, and he never left the house. He either stayed in his chair, went into his lab, or went into his private chambers. She was instructed to never let anyone in the house, not even their servant Andrew. If she were to leave the house, she was not to speak to anyone unless it were necessary to do so. She was to answer phone calls, but not allowed to stay on the phone for more than five minutes.

        Every few days he would get packages of varying sizes. He requested that she did not look at the contents of the packages. She was to immediately set the package outside of his door and walk away. On these days she wouldn't see him throughout the entire day. When she was sure that he wouldn't exit his lab, she would often sit outside his lab listening to him. There were a number of strange sounds from his work, but nothing she considered out of the normal. In the past he would often be working on a new project throughout the day. This time felt different to her though.

        "I have finished!" he exclaimed nearly a month later, bursting from his lab. He pulled her into a long kiss, and twirled her away.

        "Finished what?" she asked, taken aback.

       "A step up in the procedure!" he exclaimed with excitement. She hadn't seen him this happy in years. It was like seeing him in his youth, back before the fame, before the riches. She couldn't help but smile alongside him.

       "What procedure?" she asked.

        "The procedure of all procedures my love! The ultimate pinnacle of human achievement!" he said.

        "How so?" she asked.

        "I'm glad you asked. Throughout the short life span of human interactions with this world, there has been one unifying goal to achieve. All the work, all the advancements, every relationship, every death, it was all for one thing! To live! The meaning of life is just to live it! When you sit down and really start to think about it, you start to wonder. Why do we go to school, or go to work, or even wake up in the mornings? What is the reason if we just die in the end? The idea of an inevitable death drives people insane. It's what my father went through. It's what my son is going through now.

        Some people can't accept the fact that living is the only meaning there can be for life. That's why we invented school and jobs. That's why the world is as crazy as it is! We needed to distract ourselves from the idea of inevitable death! That's why we try to obtain what we can't have, that which is endless life. Ancient rulers searched for relics and items supposedly touched by the divine in order to extend their lives. The Fountain of Youth, the Holy Grail, Golden Apples, the Philosopher's Stone, etc! All items searched for throughout history to extend life itself!

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