Chapter 36: Patrick

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I remove my arms from around Olivia's waist. I hold out my hand and my sceptre comes to it. My armour appears around my body. I turn to Olivia and she gives me a reassuring smile.

She removes the cloak from her shoulders and passes it back to me. I cause it to disappear as soon as i touch it, because i don't need to fight, also i dont need my cloak bugging me during the fight.

Olivia stands next to me on my right. Kaden and Tye stand to my left. We all aim our weapons at Loki, ready to make a move as soon as he does.

I look to Olivia and see her eyes filled with rage. She is close to tears, but i know that she will not let them fall until this battle is won.

I aim my sceptre at my fathers head as i fire the first shot. He jumps to the side, dodging most of the hit, but i snags him in the upper left arm. Loki cringes back for a second then continues to move. He shoots some beams at the four of us, but we easily dodge them.

We are so motivated by our will to stop him that it seems as if nothing can stop us. Maybe natasha WAS right when she told us that we were better and stronger than our parents. Maybe we actually can beat Loki.

We all focus our aim on Loki. He needs to die. He needs to die. I keep repeating these words in my head, to reassure myself that i am doing is right. I am trying to reassure myself that it is right to kill my own father.

We all fire our weapons at him. They hit Loki with surprisingly strong force. He is knocked off his feet and thrown across the arena. He smashes into a wall and lands with a loud thud.

We scramble towards him, weapons raised. He looks to be dead. I lean over to check his pulse. I place my two fingers on his neck. Then i feel it. A strong, beating pulse. I start to get up, but a strong force moves and rams into my throat.

It's my fathers hand. He raises me high into the air. I choke and gasp, trying to pull some oxygen into my lungs. I open my eyes wide and see the others with their weapons pointed at Loki.

They all charge their weapons, but cannot use them, because my father is using me as a 'meat shield'.

"Let him go!" Olivia shouts. I can tell that this is hurting her. She is fighting hard against tears, but i know that she cannot hold it in for much longer.

I look into her eyes. Telling her that she has to fire, on my signal. She nods ever so slightly to me. I struggle against Loki's hand, trying to get a free breath in. His grip loosens slightly and i manage to squeeze a breath in.

Now that i am rejuvenated with oxygen, we need to stop Loki. I move my hands around little by little, behind Loki's back. I manage to move them enough to summon my sceptre. I tighten my grip on it and ram it into my fathers back.

He stiffens up as i pull the blade out. Then he releases me from the pain. I drop to the ground. The others use this opportunity to pelt him with artillery.

I crawl away from him and closer to my friends. I pull myself up into standing position. They suddenly stop shooting. I hear him laugh.

"Oh yes! Of course! You can't kill me without asking my dear son if its alright with him first!" Loki snickers.

"Shut up." Olivia says quickly. She drops her hammer hard on his chest. He groans in pain and falls back to the ground. "Patrick... Do you want to... Kill him... Or should we?" She walks closer to me and takes my hand. She squeezes it tight, this time, to remind me that she is here for me.

"Oh, come now! The boy cant kill his own father!" Loki laughs. He inches his fingers towards his sceptre. Before we can stop him, he shoots at Olivia. His shot catches her in the shoulder.

She stumbles back a few feet as Kaden rushes over to her. She just waves Kaden off and clutches her arm. Her dress becomes an even darker shade of red as the blood spreads across its sleeves. She grits her teethe together, but pulls herself back up.

She grabs her hammer and slams it back into loki's chest, harder this time. She lifts it up and daintily wipes off the smears of blood with her clean sleeve.

"Patrick. Are you going to finish him, or shall i do the honours?" She asks me. I stand, frozen, for a moment. Trying to figure of what to do.

"Come on! You really can't expect him to actually kill his father! Can you?" Loki snickers.

"Shut up! You killed my mother. You tortured my girlfriend. You murdered all of my friend's parents. You are NOT my father. You're just a monster. And that, i can kill." I yell. I slam my sceptre down into his chest.

I repeatedly stab him. I begin to break down and cry. Eventually, i either am to weak to continue, or Olivia pulls me away. I can't tell which it is, because i am so blinded by my rage at my father.

Olivia pulls me in towards her. I cry hard in her arms. She cries with me. Out of the corner of my eye, i see Kaden check for a pulse on Loki. She looks back at tye and shakes her head.

I just killed my father... I just killed my father... I JUST KILLED MY FATHER! No. I correct my self. No. He was not my father. He was a monster. He was a vile creature. And he deserved to die.

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