Chapter 16: Kaden

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After a long while of banging on the door of the interrogation room, with Tye, we finally decide to find some other way to get the door open.

"Let's look around. Maybe we can find a blowtorch or some C-4 to get that door open. It's been too quiet for too long in there. Something must be wrong!" I shout "we should never have let him out of that cell back on asgard! He's a criminal! We should never have trusted him!"

"Don't worry." Tye says comfortingly. "Olivia is a big girl, and not to mention powerful, she can take care of herself."

We jog out to the main area of the base, searching for anything to get the door open.

"You keep looking, I'm going to,just check something out with the computer system. Come back if you find anything. Okay?" I ask.

"Okay." Tye says firmly, turning on one foot and running in the opposite direction from her.

I make my way over to the central computer and hack into my home system. I then pull up a file labeled 'Jarvis'. When I open it a downloading bar pops up. After a few minutes the program is fully loaded and I hear a familiar voice come over the speakers.

"Hello, miss Stark, how may I be of assistance?" Asks Jarvis in his cheery British accent.

"First off, can you NOT report this location to my father? I kind of don't want him knowing where I am." I ask.

"Yes, young stark." he replies "anything else I can assist you with?"

"Yes, can you show me some live feed of my dad? I feel pretty horrible for leaving him, and I just want to make sure that alls okay with him." I say.

"Yes young stark. Right away, miss stark." He replies cheerily.

"Oh and one last thing!" I add.

"Yes, young stark?" He inquires.

"Just... Call me Kaden, not miss stark. alright?" I say.

"Yes young stark!" He replies.

I put my head in my hands then enter my name into the system manually.

"Better young Kaden?" He asks.

"Oh crap... It sounded better as young stark!" I say.

"I agree young kaden." He adds. I manually input my name back to being young stark.

"Here is the live feed that you asked for, miss stark." Jarvis reports. Up on the screen in front of me, pops up the live feed. I see my dad in his workshop, designing and constructing his model of the mark 78. After a moment or two I see him stand up and walk to his desk. He pours himself a fresh cup of coffee and grabs a photo off his desk. It is a photograph of me and him, sitting atop the Empire State Building, after I stopped my first robbery, early last year. He stares at it for a moment, and I swear I see him wipe away a tear.

"Okay, Jarvis, I've seen enough, please turn off the feed." I say, turning from the screen and wiping a tear from my own eye.

"young stark, there seems to be a problem with my system. I cannot shut the feed down. My programs have been overridden." Jarvis says. I look back at the screen and see the doors to my dads workshop burst open. Through the doors marches Loki. Dad runs toward the nearest weapon, but before he can reach anything, Loki grabs him by the neck and holds him dangling in the air. He then points his scepter at my father's head and taps it lightly.

I clasp my hands over my mouth, stifling a scream.

I see dads eyes flash a bright blue shade, as he is taken under Loki's control. He turns and begins to march out of the room and towards the elevator, Loki right behind him. Just before they exit the room, Loki turns back. He faces the camera and looks directly at it, almost as if he can see her watching him through the other end of the feed. He says something, which I cannot hear because the sound on the cameras was not working. But I reads his lips and sees that he says "one down, five to go. Then onto the little brats." He looks through the camera and straight into the deepest part of my soul, as he winks at me. Not a nice wink but one to show me just how defeated i really am.

Loki pulls up his scooter so it is inline with the camera then he obliterates the camera, along with the feed, in one swift blow.

I step back from the screen in utter shock of what just happened. What just happened? Loki stole my dad away, that's what happened... I should have been there with him. I should never have left my dads side! I abandoned him and now he's gone! What if I never see him again? What if the last thing that he remembers of me is that I was not there for him when he needed me most, that I had abandoned him, to help the son of his LOKI!

What if he only remembers me as the girl who he gave everything and all she gave him was heartbreak and sorrow.

Just then Tye enters the room, a huge smile plastered on his face. "Hey! Guess who found a blowtorch!"

I turn around, looking him in the eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks and onto the floor. He drops the blowtorch and runs to me. He grabs me in his arms and holds me tight. It's all over now. Loki will take the people we love away from us and there's nothing we can do to stop him. He will create an army. And we cannot lay a finger on it, because it will be made of all of the people we love most in this world. And nothing can stop him from doing it, because he is more powerful than anyone else, and we just have to live with it...

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