Chapter 34: Patrick

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I feel the transport seed crack under the pressure of my hand. We are transported to stark tower in a matter of seconds. We take a moment to take in our surroundings.

I hold Olivia's hand tight to reassure her that i am here with her. Everyone waits quietly for Loki to show.

"Maybe he chickened out?" Tye suggests.

"Are you kidding? He wouldn't miss out on this for the world!" I remind him.

Just then we hear his voice. It seems to be echoing from all around us. We try to locate where it is originating from, but we have no luck. We all draw our weapons. We stand in a circle with our backs facing inwards. We look around trying to see where the noise is coming from.

"Hello children! Ready to play my game?" Loki asks maniacally.

"That's why we came! Isn't it? Show yourself, you son of a bitch! Show yourself already!" I shout.

"If I'm a son of a bitch then doesn't that make you a grandson of a bitch? And 'grand'son is much more than just son!" Loki jokes.

"Enough of you bitchy little jokes! We just want to fight!" Olivia shouts from beside me.

"Like this?" Loki asks. He appears directly in front of Olivia and I. We fire our weapons at him, but by the time it reaches him, he has already disappeared.

"You didn't think it was going to be that easy? Did you?" Loki snickers. "Oh yes... Where did that spider boy to any ways? Wasn't he with you all on Asgard?"

"Im right here!" We all spin around at the sound of peters voice. He is standing on a rooftop only a few buildings away.

"Peter!" Kaden and Olivia shout in excitement.

"Come on over man! We might need some help with this." Tye says.

"Sure thing! Here i come!" Peter replies. He is standing on a rather tall building. He prepares to jump and swing over to us, when a hooded figure comes up behind him. At first i think that it is Loki. But then i see a small wisp of blonde hair poking out of the hood.

The figure turns slightly as Peter spins around. We see their for a split second and realize that it is a girl. She approaches Peter at a brisk pace.

"Ma'am! What are you doing up here? It's dangerous! You should go somewhere and take safety, like the rest of the city." Peter tells her.

"I don't mind dangerous." The girl replies darkly. She continues to approach Peter. He starts to back up. We can't see from where we are but it looks like she has some sort of weapon.

Kaden turns on her suit and gets ready to fly over and help him. But before she can do anything, the girl grabs Peter by the neck. She pulls out a long blade and stabs him through the chest. She then throws Peter off the building all in one swift motion.

She sheaths her blade and sprints off the rooftop. She lands on a nearby building and disappears.

Peter falls as if it is happening in slow motion. Kaden flys towards him, but not fast enough. He plummets to the ground, unable to shoot his webs or stop himself from falling, because he is so injured from the stab wound. He falls down to the streets below us and lands with a loud thud.

Kaden lands beside him. Olivia stands beside me, staring in shock at what has happened. We watch as sammi curls into a ball on the ground and cries. Tye grabs a transport seed from my pocket and cracks it. Seconds later, we see him appear on the road beside her.

He takes her under his arms and hold her. they cry into his shoulder. The lets to of Kaden for a brief second to double check peters pulse. He shakes his head and grabs Kaden once more.

They sit on the road for a moment more. Crowds begin to gather around them. A man walks up to the two of them. He touches Kaden's shoulder lightly and says something to her. They nod their head as he points down the street, towards a nearby clinic. The man gets up and leaves.

Several minutes later, he returns with a gurney. Tye helps the man to load Peter on it and the man wheels him away towards the clinic. Tye taps Kaden's wrist and they transport up beside us. Kaden sits on the ground crying. Tye picks her up in his arms, bride style, and cradles her.

The delivers the news that none of us wanted to hear. "Peter is dead. He died before he even hit the ground, given where the stab was placed. Who ever did this knew what they were doing... The man down there offered to take peters body and clean it and watch it for us while we battle Loki. He says that assuming we all survive today, we can pick up the body and give him a proper burial service." He says solemnly.

Olivia curls herself into my chest. I hug her tightly as she cries. I barely even knew Peter, but he sounds like a pretty stand up guy. I squeeze Olivia tightly in my arms.

It was a bad enough day already, having to fight Loki, but now, Peter is gone. She was great friends with him and i can't even imagine the amount of pain that she is going through right now. It is amazing that she is still even standing.

Olivia pulls herself from my embrace and looks to the sky. "Where the FUCK are you? You SADISTIC BASTARD! SHOW YOURSELF!" She screams to the stormy clouds.

"Hello." We all spin around as Loki's figure appears behind us. Olivia lunges at him but he merely disappears and reappears on the other side of the tower.

Olivia sprints to lunge at him again, but this time i grab her. I hold her back so she doesn't hurt herself. Loki is standing right on the edge of the tower, and if she goes to attack and he disappears, she would fall right off stark tower.

"What a shame... What happened to you friend... I was just staring to get to know spider boy... Oh well..." Loki says.

"Why? Why did you have to kill him?" Olivia screams. She struggles to break free of my grasp. But i don't let her, instead i hold her close to me tightly, i need to protect her, so she can't go and do something stupid.

"Me?" Loki asks, acting surprised. "Well, I didn't kill Spider boy! I was just starting to like him..." Loki whines. He then breaks into a sadistic laugh.

"Yeah, but I'm sure that you got that poor girl to do it under your mind control!" Olivia screams. Trying to squirm free again. I signal tye over to help me hold her back. He grabs her arm and i hold tight to her other.

"No, no! I had nothing to do with that! I just say back and watched! It wasn't MY plan, but whoever's it was, deserves some serious kuddos! That was a nice kill. Clean, quick and a smooth getaway too!" Loki marvels.

"Shut the fuck up! You done have the right to be speaking. If you didn't kill her, then who did?" I shout.

"I don't know! Why don't you find out for yourself. Oh wait... You won't be able to... Because you won't make it out of this game alive..." Loki says, mocking sadness.

"Why do you keep calling this a game? It's not! It's a battle!" Tye shouts.

"Oh, no, no! I never said that this would be a battle. I said a GAME. And i mean it. This will be a fun, fun game. It will kill you mentally, physically and emotionally. And all i have to do is organize it and then sit back and watch it unfold." Loki announces.

"What?" I ask, completely confused by what he is talking about.

"Ready to go to the game's arena?" Loki asks.

"No!" Kaden shouts.

"Great! Lets go!" Loki laughs. We are pulled into a vortex and seconds later we find ourselves scared, shocked, confused and on a different planet.

I recognize it instantly, from the ice and snow that covers the land. We are unmistakably on Jotenhiem, the home of the frost giants.

Avenging the Avengers [Book 1] [Finished]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang