Chapter 30: Patrick

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I stare into the beady eyes of my father. He smirks at me and opens his arms as if welcoming me in for a hug. Is he kidding me? What makes him think that i would ever want to hug him?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demand. I hold out my hand and my sceptre flies into it. I point it directly at my father.

"I just heard that you were having a bit of girl trouble and thought that i would be a good father and check if you were okay." He says in his most innocent voice.

"Yeah right! When have you EVER been a good father to me before?" I shout.

"Well im trying to turn over a new leaf! That's why im conquering Midguard! For you! I can rule Asgard (once i get you annoying girlfriend out of the way) and YOU can rule midguard! It's the perfect father son bonding activity! Conquering worlds!" Loki says, trying to sound genuine.

"That is the biggest load of shit that i have see heard!" Says a voice from behind me. I remember that the is still laying on the floor where i left him. I probably shouldn't have beaten him so bad... Kaden will be pissed when they get back tonight when find out what i did to their boyfriends face... Oh well.

"Yeah! Where the hell did you come up with that bull crap?" I ask.

"Well, to be perfectly honest... I just watched this movie called 'Star Wars' and i was quite inspired by the character that they call 'Darth Vader'. He asks his sont i rule the universe with him, so i thought I'd give it a shot too." He snickers. We glare at him.

"You know, our situation is quite a bit like theirs too, as it turns out. Your mother is dead. So was the boys in the movie. I don't know you existed until recently. So did the father in the film. I asked you to rule the universe with me and you denied me. SEE we are like the real life version of 'Star Wars'! This is quite neat!" Loki giggles, pretending to be a little child who has just me their hero.

"Not that 'neat'..." I say.

"Well, i don't suppose you have a secret twin sister that you aren't telling me about do you? Then we would be exactly like the movie!" Loki exclaims.

"No! Now shut up and tell us why you're really here." I shout, getting rather annoyed by his childish acts.

"Fine... I just wanted to let you know that i just received word that your girlfriends heart has failed once more and they don't think that she is going to make it. Just wanted to tell you, in case that in any way changes you response to my earlier question about you joining me." He says.

"I don't believe you." I say.

"Fine! Just look at this!" Loki says, waving his staff through the air in front of him. He creates a window to open. It is of Kaden and Olivia on Asgard. Olivia is laying on a table unmoving. Healers move frantically around her, working their magic. I look over at the screen that displays her vital signs and it shows that she has no heart beat.

I gasp for air, trying to keep myself from passing out from this newfound discovery. I stumble backwards and begin to fall but i am caught by someone. It's rye. He lifts me back onto my feet and supports my weight on his shoulder as a try to catch my breath.

She's dead! And no one there can use the hammer on her! No one can help her! She's going to die! She can die though! She can't!

No. The healers on Asgard are the best healers in the whole damn universe. They WILL save her. They don't need a high powered electric shock. They just need their magic. They can, and will save her, i know it.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, trying to take in everything that has just happened to me. I open my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Dad. Listen to me when i say this, because i will not repeat it again. I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU! AND OLIVIA IS GOING TO LIVE! Asgardian healers are the best there is. They will take good care of her. So goodbye! And we will see you tomorrow at stark tower... 12:00 sharp." I yell. "NOW GET HE HELL OUT OF OUR BASE!"

"Fine then. Farewell son... See you and your fiends tomorrow for the game." He says. They be cracks a transport seed in his hand and disappears to who knows where.

I breath heavily. She will be alright. I know it. We will go and fight my father tomorrow and we will win. He will never dare touch midguard or any other planet again.

I don't even care that Olivia called me a vile creature anymore. I know that she didn't mean it. It's true though. Now that i see my father. Most frost giants ARE vile creatures. But I intend to break those limitations. I intend to stop every last one of the creatures. I am not one of them. They are monsters and I am an Avenger.

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