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before I start.. well, it's been a year since this book– yikes.
my interests have once again shifted, to shinkami this time, and while I really really want to continue this book, I have absolutely no ideas.
my interests are more towards gay relationships rather than straight ones, seeing as I resonate more with them (some time around my last proper update I figured out I'm pan, and while I still like a few straight ships I feel more comfy w gay ones, also being transmasc myself they make me happier and I can connect more etc. idk how to explain it aaa)

I might just have to admit defeat (after a year 💀) that it's a good enough ending. based on a few comments tho ppl want more 😭

please please PLEASE if you have any ideas, big or small, don't be afraid to comment or dm me!!

also for reference, there were a lot of other a/n's, but I deleted them 😭
anytime I look over any old stuff I've said I always cringe at it and get really embarrassed for no reason so I decided to delete it 💅

anygays, uhm!! have a good night/day wherever you are, and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to do more for this story :')
I'm tryna work on a shinkami book rn (I actually REALLY love the plot, there's like 3 arcs, the planning page alone is 1000+ words 😭✋), and might do a shorter plot first to practice yk? so if ur interested, stay tuned (it's not posted yet but yk), otherwise then– uh? idk pfft 😭

bye for now, and make sure to take care of yourselves :)

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