Cheer up!

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Nejire's pov;

The room was pitch black as I opened my eyes, bored. I couldn't get to sleep, no matter how hard I tried. And I didn't know why...
Thoughts kept crawling through my head. We'd just moved into the new dormitories, and I couldn't stop stressing over the upcoming mission. The mission to save a little girl, trapped by an evil man. I sighed, closing my eyes and rolling onto my side, trying to shake the thought away.
I kept putting on a smile, convincing everyone I was happy, but I'm sure they were starting to figure it all out.
The only people I was allowed to talk to about the mission were Mirio, Tamaki, Midoriya, Ochako, Kirishima and Tsuyu. Other than that, we had been sworn to secrecy. I didn't like that.. I was usually more of an open kinda person with my feelings, y'know? Being forced to keep it all inside was no easy task...
I rolled around, gripping the blankets and trying to ease myself of the stress. Just a few more nights... I told myself, trying to shake the worry away. It didn't work very well, all I wanted to do was hug someone and tell them everything, but I knew I couldn't. Not until the mission was over.
How would it end? Would everything go okay? What was gonna happen? No, don't think like that. It will be fine. I tried to reassure myself.
I sighed, rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling. It was pitch black, apart from the soft light of the moon coming through the curtains. I wanted to get up, and just stare out into nowhere.. but I was too tired and exhausted. Just thinking about everything was exhausting, and it didn't help that I'd had a rough day at school.
Mirio was always so cheerful, it was nice to be around him. Tamaki was.. depressed, as always. I always try to cheer him up, but whenever I say anything he takes it as an insult. I just wish he'd see I was trying to help.. so was Mirio.
Eventually, I felt my thoughts drift away as my eyelids grew heavy, slowly pondering into a calm, dreamless sleep.

I awoke with a yawn, sun gleaming through the window of my room. I sat up, stretching my arms above my head. Great, another day of hiding my emotions.
I sit up, walking towards my bedroom door. I put on a smile, opening the door and walking out, skipping down the hall towards the common area like I usually do.
I noticed Tamaki sitting alone on the couch, and gave him a sympathetic look. He didn't see, of course. He was too busy lost in his own thoughts, probably doubting himself over something.. again.
I sighed, making my way to the fridge. I grabbed out the milk to make myself some tea, boiling the kettle and reaching for the teabags in the cupboards. I grabbed the jasmine tea, placing the teabag in a mug I'd placed down before, and grabbed a spoon out of the drawer.
Soon, the kettle had boiled, informing me with a click. I picked it up, pouring the hot water into my cup before placing it back onto its stand. I then grabbed the milk, pouring that in as I stirred with the spoon. Putting the milk away, I grabbed the sugar out of the cupboard. Mustn't forget the sugar. Oh no no, very important sugar.
I put about four or five teaspoons in, just to make sure it was extra sweet. You can never have too much sweetness, y'know?
Once I was finished, I placed the sugar back where it belonged, and started stirring with my spoon. I put the spoon in the sink once I was done, taking a sip of my delicious jasmine tea.
I then skipped over to the fridge, placing the teacup down for a moment. I grabbed out a container of Takoyaki- Tamaki will like this.
I quickly grabbed my tea, and made my way over to the couch I'd seen Tamaki on before.
"Hey, Tamaki! Stop looking so sad! Aren't you excited?" She asked, sitting next to him and placing the Takoyaki in his hands.
Tamaki flinched in surprise at my sudden call, taking the Takoyaki as I handed it to him. He seemed surprised, just trying to process things.
"Oh, sorry.. I was just thinking." He told me, then looked at the container in his hands. "Thanks.." He murmured, opening the lid and using the fork I'd given him to start eating.
"Don't mention it! It's the least I can do." I told him with a wide smile, nudging his arm playfully.
We stayed silent for a while, Tamaki eating his Takoyaki and me drinking my tea. It was awfully quiet... Where's Mirio? I pondered, confused. Usually he'd show up and greet the two of us before class started, but for some reason he hadn't done so yet. It was passed his usual schedule, and I was starting to get concerned. Had something happened to him..? No, of course not. Mirio's a tough fella, he'd be alright- even if something did happen.
Once I'd finished my tea, I shot up, and skipped over to the kitchen once more. I was planning to take Tamaki's empty container as I went, but he was still eating. I guess it's faster to drink a small cup of tea then it is to eat a bunch of Takoyaki in the morning. Oh well.
I put my cup on the edge of the sink, and made my way back over to the couch Tamaki was on. I leaned over the back, leaning my face in my hands which were propped up by my elbows leaning on the back of the couch.
"So, what's up, Tamaki?" I asked, bored and just searching for conversation with the reserved boy.
"Hm? Oh.. nothing." He responded, seeming a little startled by the sudden question.
Once he'd finished, Tamaki made his way over to the kitchen to place his container down. I was following close behind, just looking for something to do.
"W-we should get ready.. for class... Don't wanna be late..." He said, then walking off towards his dorm room.
"Ah..- yeah, you're right." I responded, heading off to my room to get changed for school.
Once I was ready, I opened the door and walked out. It had taken a while to brush my hair, so I was probably going to be a bit late, but eh. I'm sure the teacher will understand.. hopefully.
When I got to the common room, I saw Tamaki waiting, sitting on the edge of the couch and staring at me as I walked in.
"Oh- hey, Tamaki." I say, a little surprised by him still being here. "Everything alright?" I ask, tilting my head a little.
"Yeah... You just seemed a little down, so I thought I'd walk with you..." He said, looking down and avoiding eye contact.
I was a little shocked he'd realised I'd been upset.. how long had he known?
"What do you mean?" I asked, seeming confused.
"You've been less.. cheerful, lately. I can tell.." He explained.
"What? No- I'm fine, perfectly fine." I joke, waving off the thought.
"You're not, I can tell when someone is down... " He said, still avoiding eye contact as he sat on the edge of the couch. He was fiddling with his fingers in his lap, a usual thing he does when he's nervous.
"Tamaki, don't worry about it." I assured him, waving my hand dismissively. I then skipped up to him, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him up so he was standing in front of me. I looked up at him, wide smile on my face. Sometimes it was annoying how much taller the other two were compared to me, but I decide to shake the thought away. It's not important right now.
Tamaki looked back at me, his cheeks seeming slightly pink as he stared. He had this usual nervous look in his eye he always had, but.. it was different. It was mixed with worry, and concern. Why? For me..? Nah, no way. He'd care more about his own worries before mine, especially when I'm so good at hiding them.
"Come on, Tamaki. We should get to class." I smile, still holding his wrist as I begin to walk out of the dormitories, dragging him along with me.
He doesn't make any objection, just a small 'woah' as I'd started dragging him.
We walked in silence the rest of the way to the main building. Tamaki was always silent... I miss the constant happiness of Mirio's talking in my ear as we walk, it's strange not having him here. I decide to turn my head and look at Tamaki, still walking. He's looking down, seeming.. sad. He's always sad.
"Tamaki, do you know where Mirio is?" I ask, tilting my head and puckering my lips into a slight questioning pout.
Tamaki jerked his head to look at me for a moment, but then looked forwards and to the ground again. "No.." He responded, seeming sad still.
"Taammaaakkiiiii, cheer up already." I nag him, placing both hands on his forearm and shaking him back and forth annoyedly.
"wOOaaAaaHHhH-!" He didn't try to push me off, but he was clearly being affected by my shaking. I smirk slightly, realising I've won. If he won't cheer up, I won't stop trying.
"Cheeeeerrrrr uuuupppppp!!" I nag some more, still shaking him.
"StoOooOOoOoOoppP pLeEeeEaAaSsE-" He begs.
I pout, and stop shaking him. There's no way I could deny that adorable face of his.
I then flop towards him, leaning all my weight against his shoulder. "I'm not gonna stop until you're happy." I smirk.
Tamaki seemed surprised by the sudden weight, as he then fell over with a grunt. I fell ontop of him.. ah crap-
It was all just- a bit of a blur. But, my face ended up just a few inches from his as I lay on-top of him. Boy, am I glad no one else was around to see that.
I see his face turn pink as his eyes widen in surprisement. I can't exactly blame him, mine did the same. It's just.. it was kinda cute. But Tamaki's always cute, y'know? Wait what- shut up, Nejire, shut up.
I gulp, and quickly push myself up. "Sorry-!" I say, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up afterwards.
Tamaki looks down, seeming embarrassed. I want to keep nagging him to be happy, but now's just not the time..
"C'mon.." I urge, taking ahold of his wrist again and dragging him to class. He doesn't make any objections, which is good. We make it to class, without anymore.. trips, like before.
Ah great, it's math. I pout. I hate maths.

(1808 words)

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