The confession.

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Nejire's pov;

Ah, Mirio. He's crazy, but we love him. He's gone over to the other dorms, probably about to make a fool out of himself. Oh well, that's what he wants I guess.
He made Tamaki laugh, even if it was only a little. How did I not know how cute Tamaki's laughed was before this? How have I never seen him laugh? Well, I guess he doesn't really even smile very often- so laughing is a rare sight. I am privileged to witness this.
I then jump at Tamaki, embracing him into a warm hug, giggling as I do so. He always needs hugs, and I'm always happy to give them.
"Huh- N-Nejire?" He stutters out, quickly catching himself. He's still got a smile on his face, I can't ruin this moment.
"Tamakiiiii!! You should smile more! you're smile is adorable!" I blurt out, holding him tight.
I hear him let out a small disbelieving chuckle. "Thanks..." He says quietly, loosely wrapping his arms around me and hugging back.
He was warm, and I could tell he was happy. It made me happy to know he was happy.
"You're so warm." I blurt out, not realising what I'd said until it was too late.
I felt Tamaki tense up for a moment, probably embarrassed. To my surprise, he soon relaxed. A smile spread across my face, and I glanced up at him. His cheeks were pink, and a small smile decorated his face. I gotta admit, he's pretty cute...
"You okay, Jiki?" I asked, lowkey proud of my new nickname for him.
He looked a little taken aback at first, probably unsure of the new nickname. He then pushes it aside, and gives me a soft, slightly forced smile, and nods. "F-fine.." He mumbles.
"Hmmmm...." I start to think, letting a pout creep onto my face. What can I do to make him laugh again? I ask myself, trying to think of something useful. "Ahah!" I exclaim, quickly letting go of him and dashing off somewhere else to find what came to my mind.
I rushed to my room, quickly grabbing a bright blue scarf from the end of my bed before rushing back downstairs.
I jumped on Tamaki from behind, wrapping the scarf around his neck and giggling.
He squealed, surprised at my sudden attack. Although, he was laughing once he'd figured out what was happening. It brought a smile to my face... I'd made him laugh. My life is now complete.
"Come on, you little kitten! Wear it properly-" I chuckle, letting myself slip to the ground as I try to wrap the scarf properly around his neck.
After a few moments of struggle, I decided to slip the scarf off. I folded it in half, then slipping it around his neck and sliding the loose ends through the loop.
Once finished, I observed my masterpiece. "Perfect!" I exclaim.
Tamaki let's out a breath of laughter, smiling. It's nice seeing him like this, he must be in a good mood today. Mission success, I repeat, mission success!
"Hey.. Neji..." He mutters, looking down and fiddling with the scarf, hiding his adorable smile. Dammit :(.
"Yeah?" I ask, smirking to myself at his new nickname for me. Copycat.
"Can we talk? Somewhere a little more.. peaceful?" He asked.
I knew what he meant instantly. I nodded, "Okay, come on- let's go to the garden." I suggested, leading the way once he'd nodded his agreement.
Soon, we reached the garden. We sat down on a fallen tree, and I waited in silence for him to gather up the courage for whatever he had in mind.
"Nejire.." He started after what seemed like forever. He paused again.
Did he really just forget what he was just about to say? Dammit. I hate it when my impatientness takes over. "Yeah?" I urge as softly as I can.
"Do you.. care about me..?" He asked, refusing to look at me.
"What? What do you mean- of course I do!" I say, panicking. "Why would you even need to ask that?" I urge, sadness creeping up in my voice. Does he not trust me..?
"Sorry.." He mutters, looking down- though not as sad as I'd thought he'd of been. "It's just.. I wanted to make sure, I guess..." He explained.
"Well I'll always care about you, so don't ever think otherwise!" I say, though not as taken aback as before. I then scooch over and wrapped an arm over his shoulder, pulling him into a hug as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
Tamaki smiled a little, leaning his own head against my soft hair.
Gasp, idea! I let my hand slip down from his shoulders, gripping my hair and casually wrapping it around the both of us. It's so comfy in my hair, and I want him to experience it too :3.
Tamaki froze for a moment, taking in the warmth, and soon his smile widened. He let out a soft chuckle, "You're hair is so.." he struggled for the right words, "so nice." He concluded, though he was visibly disappointed with his choice of words.
I giggled lightly, "I know," I agreed, snuggling up a little closer to him.
"Hey, can I.. ask you something..?" His voice softened, and he let his gaze slip towards me.
"Of course!" I smiled up at him, my eyes closed happily.
His gaze slipped forwards again as he sighed softly, "Well.. you see, there's this girl..." He started.
Oh no- please, no... I start to worry, though I hide it well- only just realising I'd started to hold my breath.
"I really like her, but.. I'm not sure how to say it..." He admitted, looking down with a slight frown.
He's in love.. with someone else. Dammit! This is exactly why you don't fall in love with people!
"Oh.. who is she?" I asked.
"I.. would rather not say..." He gulped.
"Okay.." I looked down, contemplating whether to help him or not. I don't want to be a bad friend, but.. I don't wanna be the reason he goes with someone else. Dammit, Nejire. Just get over it! "Well, just tell her. Tell her that you love her.. or you could leave a note, or message her.. whatever you feel comfortable doing.." I advise, though not seeming my usual happy self.
I felt Tamaki tense, holding his breath for a few moments before he decided to speak. "I.. I think I just did..." He stammered.
"Eh?" I asked, surprised, shooting my gaze towards him.
"Told her..." He looked at me, his gaze soft and his attire trembling with nerves.
I felt my heart skip a beat- it's me! He loves me! A smile stretched across my face, my stomach fluttering with butterflies.
I saw a smile drift onto Tamaki's face, and though he hesitated greatly, he leaned forwards.
I had an idea of what he was trying to do, so I went along with it. I shut my eyes and darted my face forwards, my lips meeting his as we kissed. I felt him flinch a little, hesitating, before kissing back.
His lips felt warm, and I never wanted it to end...

(Okay, that's the end! Sorry guys. I ditched this story for a long time, even before I lost my devices a week or so before Halloween, but I reread it and continued it! Hope you like it! Vote on the chapters and comment if you want a sequel 💜)

(1251 words)

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