Small pp energy.

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Mirio's pov;

"Alright, goodbye, Mirio." Nighteye waved as I left his agency.
"Goodbye, Sir!" I called back, waving with a big smile on my face. Once he was out of sight, I stopped waving, and started to jog towards the train station. I'd forgotten to tell Nejire and Tamaki I was going on a quick work study today, I could imagine they'd be worried. I just hope Tamaki wasn't too quiet today, he's always been quiet. Nejire's told me many times she's gotten bored without me, and I know how she feels- we both wish Tamaki would open up a bit more. It's not that we don't like him, or that he's boring in general, it's just he hardly tends to speak, so it's understandable if gets a little boring or awkward.
Either way, whether he stays the shy little pumpkin he is, or if he decides to ever open up, I'll still love him, and so will Nejire. Even if he is a bit.. shy, he's still an amazing person.
I jump onto the train as it arrives, smiling at the people nearby. They all seem to be happy by seeing me, must be something to do with my smile. The only part I couldn't figure out is why they were laughing.
"Mommy! Look, look!" Exclaimed a little boy, pointing at my forehead.
"I see, I see. Now stop pointing, it's rude." His mother slapped his hand away, obviously holding back laughter of her own.
I smiled at the two, "Don't worry, I don't mind!" I assure them, making sure they know I wasn't offended by the child's pointing.
I get similar funny looks and laughter from strangers on the street as I make my way back to the school, confused but trying to ignore it. I make sure I don't stop smiling, mustn't give them the impression I'm upset, even if it is extremely confusing...
I soon arrived back at the school, and walked through the gates. Not long after I'd walked through, I heard some footsteps running behind me and suddenly the security system activated, closing the big metal barriers behind me and making me flinch. Must've been a reporter following me. I sigh, shaking my head softly with my eyes closed.
I soon push the thought away, and start making my way to the third year dorms to meet up with my friends again.
"Heya guys!" I call out to them as I see them walking back together, waving my hand in the air so they'd spot me.
Nejire jerked her head up, looking at me and instantly smiling from excitement. "Mirio!" She exclaimed, using her quirk to propel herself towards me, embracing me in a tight hug, almost making me fall over.
"Woah-!" I exclaim, quickly catching myself and hugging back. "I know I left without saying anything, but I didn't think you'd be this excited when I came back!" I admit, chuckling.
"You left without saying anything and we were worried!" She pouted, looking up at me annoyedly.
I chuckle, patting her head as I smile at her, my eyes closed. "Well, I'm sorry for worrying you! I really didn't mean it." I say, opening my eyes and glancing up to Tamaki making his way over to us.
"Hey, Mirio." He said, quietly and nervously as he approached us.
"Heya Tamaki!" I say back, smiling widely. My smile always tends to get bigger around Tamaki, I know he needs it more than anyone.
"Hey, Mirio?" Nejire asks, letting go of me and taking a slight step back, tilting her head and looking at my forehead.
"Yes?" I respond, a little confused, but I refuse to let my smile falter.
"Why does your forehead say 'small pp energy?'" She asked bluntly, head still tilted. I could see Tamaki looking down, averting eye contact as his frown slightly faltered.
"What?" I ask, puzzled. So that's what Bubble Girl wrote on my head, god dammit.
"Oh! It does? Ahahahahah-!" I laugh, pushing it off as a joke. "That must be why Sir was laughing before I left!" I say, snapping my fingers in defeat. "Welp, I sure fell for it hard." I chuckle.
"Yep.. you sure did." Tamaki mumbled, and I could hear his voice shake as he was holding back a slight snicker.
Nejire smiled with the sweet and innocent smile she always did, and put her head up straight. "Well are you gonna go wash it off or leave it there for the rest of the day?" She asked, oh so innocently.
I let out a soft chuckle, sighing in defeat. "Alright, alright. I'll go wash it off- but first I'm gonna go say hi to Midoriya and his friends!" I wave quickly, speed walking away from them and towards the first year dorms. It'll be nice to make them laugh, even if it is at me.

"YOU LOOK SO STUPID OHMYGOD-!" Exclaimed the boy with blonde hair and a black zig-zag in it. He was on the floor, holding his stomach as he laughed.
A black haired boy with weirdly shaped arms was joining him, they were both hysterical.
I smiled widely watching them. It was nice to know it cheered them up.
"What is it? Do I have food on my face?" I asked, touching my cheek and acting confused.
"OH MY GOD, MAN. YOU'VE GOT SOME GUTS!" Exclaimed a boy with spikey red hair, his state similar to the two on the floor. But unlike those two, he was leaning on the back of a couch to stop himself falling.
"You look like an idiot, get lost." Growled one of the problem children, the one with spikey blonde hair and an explosive attitude.
"Oh! Do I? What is it?" I asked, continuing to act dumbfounded. I could clearly see the spikey ash blonde trying not to snicker, whether he'd admit it or not.
"OH GOD PLEASE HELP!" Called out a pink girl, who was also rolling on the floor with the two boys, laughing hysterically.
"Do you-" Started a voice, being interrupted by a cough of laughter. "Want a drink-?"
I looked to see a dark blue haired boy with glasses, hand over his mouth as he faked cough, covering up his laughs.
"That would be great!" I exclaim, following the boy towards the kitchen.
"So-" cough, "What would you like?" Asked the boy.
"Do you guys have any milkshakes?" I ask, hopeful.
"Ah! O-of course we do!" Said the boy, stuttering through his snickers as he turned around to grab out a bottle of pre-prepared smoothie. He grabbed a cup, trying to steady his trembling hand as he poured. He was obviously still trying not to laugh as he looked from between me and the cup at all times.
"Here," He said, pushing the smoothie over the kitchen bench and towards me.
I take it, giving him a smile as I start to drink it.
"What's everyone laughing about?" I hear a monotone voice behind me. That kid seems unhappy, time to go make him laugh.
I swallow some of my smoothie, placing it down before getting up and rushing over to the two-toned hair boy who'd just spoken. "Heya!" I say, a wide and innocent smile planted on my face.
The boy flinched back in surprise, but just sort of.. stared at me. "You should wash your face." He said, glancing all around my face to look at what I assumed were sharpie marking everywhere.
You see, that's the one problem with the guys at the Nighteye agency. They didn't know how to draw on people's faces properly, I always have to help them when they try it on other people. To be honest, I'm surprised they managed to get me while I took a nap, it wasn't even for very long!
Oh well, I sigh at the thought, pushing it aside.
I have more important things to focus on right now, like cheering up the people in all the dormitories in the school grounds. Once I'm finished here, I'll go and cheer up all the others! Maybe even the teachers would like a visit, I always got along with them, and I'm sure they'd find this funny aswell! Or at least.. most of them would.

(1348 words)

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