Khnum's Oingo and Thoth's Boingo

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"Ah, new pages..." A little boy said flipping through a book with the title OinGo BoinGo.

"They came." The boy said.

The brothers Oingo and Boingo took a bus four hours later... So they managed to avoid getting into an accident. Yippee! What adventures await them now? Once in Aswan, they made their discovery:

"Oh! There they are!"

"The five bad guys! And they captured a poor woman" cried the brothers.

But the brothers wondered,

"What are they talking about?"

The bad guys seemed so worried...

The older male looked out the window, and spotted the group.

"It's them." The older man said.

Little did they know. They had drunk tea laced with poison. Gulp! The little brother read, making him grin.

"Oingo..." The little boy said making Oingo look over at him.

The little boy handed over the book, making Oingo eyes widen, before chuckling.

"So all I have to do is poison them." Oingo said chuckling.

The two brothers got off the bus.

"Mondatta, you and I are invincible together. With your clairvoyant comic Stand... and my face Stand... my transformative ability... They're as good as dead!" Oingo said rearranging his face.

Boingo jumped onto his brother's shoulder.

"Our cards are the Thoth, God of Writing, and Khnum, God of Creation! We're the Oingo Boingo brothers!" The older brother said.

Inside a cafe a man hummed behind a desk, before he was hit in the head by Oingo with a frying pan.

Boingo dragged the body away.

"In this café, at that table... This is where they'll drink their poison tea." Oingo said handing the comic back to his brother.

"My Stand, Thoth, the God of Writing, never lies." Boingo said laughing.

"So, how are they?" Polnareff asked.

"Luckily, Avdol's major arteries weren't damaged, so he'll probably be released tomorrow. But Kakyoin's injuries were serious, if Y/n hadn't healed his eyes when she did, he could've gone blind." Joseph said.

"I'm worried about him." Polnareff said.

"I hate to say it, but we might have to leave him behind." Jotaro said.

They all stopped as they looked at all the cafés.

"Hey, look at all these cafés. We could all use a break. Let's get a drink." Polnareff said.

"Sounds good. Which one?" Joseph asked making Polnareff take the cigarette he was smoking and toss it.

"My cigarette says that one." Polnareff as his cigarette pointed at one of the cafés

"Polnareff, make sure you pick up that cigarette, it's a fire hazard." Y/n said making Polnareff wave her off.

The group sat at one of the tables.

"Welcome. What would you like?" Oingo asked as he walked over to the table.

"Let's see... How bout some tea." Polnareff said.

"Same." Jotaro said.

"I'll take one as well." Y/n said smiling at the man.

"Right away. Four teas, coming right up." The man said turning to walk away.

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