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A/n: This is Wilbur's/Revivebur's pov.


Previously (From: I'm Finishing him off!)

Fundy received back you're reply and runs to the exact cords.

Rain started pouring down. A few mins/seconds (he uses pearls to get there fast), he arrived and saw you and Wilbur in a pvp moment.

Y/n: Revivedb*stard! *dodges* Stop and let's settle this!

Revivedbur: Why should I?! It's all you're f*cking boyfriend fault! He started it!

Y/n: Why him?! Didn't you started it! Sh*t-


Revivebur got shot from his left arm but Fundy. As he checked it and saw Fundy he got more furious and starts attacking you.

Fundy ran in front of you blocking his crits with his shield. You ran to the side and crits him.

Revivebur falls down to the ground and drags him self backwards

Revivebur: F*ck! stop!-

Y/n: I'm sorry, Soot. But this! Is the Axe of Justice!

You rose you're axe and someone yelled out-

???: Y/n! I'll handle this-

You saw Sam, BadboyHalo and Antfrost, in armor, holding crossbows, and Saw wit an axe.


Revivebur, Bad, Ant and Sam came back from Exile. Sam gave a signal to wait and went in inside.

A few seconds later, he sent a msg to Bad, saying they can enter now. So the three entered.

Timeskip...through all of the passes in the prison.

Sam opened a cell and let Revivebur in.

Sam closed and locked the cell door and went off back to the entrance.


Revivebur's pov

Ugh, great. No fun.

What's even the f*cking point of this? Besides I'll just be here for a week or month.

I better be or else I'm exploding this place to the ground! Ugh! HOW DOES DREAM EVENLY GET USED TO THIS ALREADY?!

You know what I don't f*cking give a damn about it! My damn is getting out of here, take Tommy, Fundy and Y/n and host a little execution onto the people that wronged and treated me like sh*t!

F*cking wrongens....

Can I ask something in here like a book or something? Let me try it.

Revivebur stood up and went up to his cell window. Calling out Sam loudly. Sam heard his call and goes to his cell.

A min flew by and he reached his cell.

Sam: What now, Revivebur?

Revivebur: Do you take any like requests or something?

Sam: Yea, why?

Revivebur: Really? Could you give me a book and quill and food? I'm hungry and bored.

Sam: Alright. give me like 2 mins.

Revivebur: Be quick~

Sam: Will do, I guess.

Sam left him and Revivebur smirks and thinks of his plan.

Fuck off! ) Big Q x F!Reader (Where stories live. Discover now