A new member coming...

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A/n: feel free to listen :)) BYE! ENJOY THE STORY!!! And this is also A.K.A: MORE PLANS FOR LAS NEVADAS.


You logged out Minecraft and opened FNAF: Security Breach and looked at the chat while loading.

Y/n: Bruhhhhh- HAHAHA cmon now chat, ya'll know I don't have experience right?

Chat spams more and more about it.

Chat: (random usernames)

Unicorn_Lover: YEA HAHAHA

Bryce_sans98: Good Job :))

Sally_81: POG! HAHAHA

The Chat spams POG and GG.

Y/n: How long has Alex been streaming?

You checked the duration of stream (if possible) time and realized it's late.

Y/n: F*cking hell 2 hrs? It's 11:00 PM tho... dang!

       Do you want me to end stream or continue a bit?, Chat?

       *you checked the chat* Alright one last game and i'm off ok? 

You played Security breach for an hour with realizing it's 12:00 am, Alex said goodnight to you while you were playing Fnaf and you said goodbye to the chat quietly.

You switched off Twitch, discord and other apps Alex opened, shutted down his computer and just hoped on to bed.

The next day...

you woke up late (A/n: well since you went to bed at 12!- sorry qwq) you saw Alex not beside you anymore-

You stood up and went out of the room.

You saw Alex sitting down, scrolling through his phone.

Y/n: Morning Alex!

Alex: Tf? oh- sorry Good Morning Mamacita.

Y/n: What time is it?

Alex: It's uhhh... *Alex checks his phone* It's almost Lunch-

Y/n: Wha- last night was a crazy stream and you can't believe what happend at the Dream SMP. Did Tommy messaged you about it?

Alex: He did, the things you did was crazy, but slip that aside, I'm thinking about more plans to my country.

Y/n: Las Nevadas? What about it?

Alex: Eh- not really important, im thinking to hire more people to watch over or guard my next buildings.

Y/n: Oh ok- wait....What if I join the Dream SMP with my acc? 

Alex: Are you sure, Baby? Ther will be alot of wars and lores into it-

Y/n: Im sure, im sure!

Alex: Alright then- let me just message the homeless blob about that.

Y/n: Yay! :DD

Alex: HAHA come here, lemme kiss you MF!

Y/n: HAHA sure thing-

You walked over to Alex and leaned on him, but he pulled you in and you sat on his lap :)) you looked at him and he looked at you. 

Alex stopped looking at you, and started kissing you roughly. 

Alex heard his phone ring and stopped kissing you to check it.

 It was a message from Dream, informing Alex in letting you join the SMP, he just needs you're IGN (In Game Name/Username) and a bit of Minecraft info.

Fuck off! ) Big Q x F!Reader (Where stories live. Discover now