Take him and a little trophy~

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Timeskip: You and Quackity are in a room and did the "business" (A/n: Ya'll people :)) sheesh have some holy water) [:))], Quackity woke up and sits on the bed, back hurting and you woke up too seeing him sitting up on the bed.

Y/IGN: Oh hey...

Quackity: *looks back* does it hurt, Baby girl?~

Y/IGN: f*cking b*astard, of course it does and stop calling me that...

Quackity: F*cking b*satard, Eyy?

Y/IGN: STOP, Hell no! NUUU D:

Quackity: BHAHAHAHA! alright alright-

Y/IGN: Sheesh- F*ck you-

Quackity: F*ck me too :))

Y/IGN: Motherf*cker-

Quackity: Fiesty~- *sees Y/IGN doing a deathstare* Alright, Alright, Where this. I got to go and do something.

Y/IGN: And leave me here? !

Quackity: Don't worry I messaged two girls to get here, help you and they'll be on soon.


NikiNihachu joined the game

CaptainPuffy joined the game.

Quackity: Speaking of, I'll invite them on the vc. *tabs out and invites them*

Y/IGN: Fine *you stood up and wears Quackity's shirt and buttoned it*

Niki and Puffy joined the vc.

Niki: When is the baby?


Niki: I'm kidding, Y/n hehe. This is CaptainPuffy by the way.

Puffy: Hi Y/n. Call me Puffy instead.

Y/IGN: Alright.


Quackity stood up and grabbed his clothes.

He dressed up and went outside to wait for Puffy and Niki...

You were left inside, [:))] can't walk

A few mins later Niki and Puffy finally arrived at Las Nevadas, payed their way and enters.

They saw Quackity waiting and on his phone, smoking too. (.-.)

Niki: Hey! Since when did you smoke?

Quackity: Idk really. Cmon' Y/IGN is in here.

Puffy: Alright-

Quackity leads them inside and show where Y/n is. 

Quackity: There she is. So~, I got things to do so I need you two to stay with her. Is it ok?

Puffy: Alright.

Niki: Ok, take you're time Quackity.

Quackity: Sure will. I'll see you guys soon.

Fuck off! ) Big Q x F!Reader (Where stories live. Discover now