-',✎chapter four

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when she entered the clearing, the spirit finally turned and acknowledged her. it began fading into nothing, a manic smile etched onto its face. 

"did anybody ever teach you that wondering into the woods all alone is dangerous, little girl?" a teasing voice spoke from behind the trees. when the person stepped out of the trees, bambi's face contorted into fear. bellatrix lestrange.


"me!" bellatrix laughed out, her wand dangling in her hands. this was a trap, bambi was gonna die. or worse, be used against her will. "godric, you would think the daughter of an order spy would have more common sense, but here we are."

"what are you doing here, bellatrix? attacking innocent children, a new low for even you." bambi reached to grab her wand, dodging away from a bolt of magic coming towards her.

"trust me deary, i can go even lower. now just put the wand away and come with me or that pretty little head of yours will get fried off." the older woman threatened, her wand pointed to the fourteen year-old. 

"what are you so afraid of? i'm nothing compared to the bellatrix lestrange. escaper of azkaban, one of voldemort's most profound followers, murderer. i know exactly what you are capable of, but you know nothing of me."

at these words, the woman just laughed, her gaze not faltering, but bambi could hear the strain in her voice.

"awh deary, there's so much you think you know that you don't. maybe i should leave you here, just to watch you go back and realize you don't belong with them, to realize that you truly are a freak and that your mother was right."

at the mentioning of her mother, bambi visibly tensed. all she could hear was the voice of her mother, telling her that it was her fault that she died. that her father's death was because of her. that she was nothing more than a mistake. 

that's when bambi realized her mind was being manipulated.

"seems i struck a nerve, oh well, time to go! the dark lord normally has quite a bit of patience, however, he was adamant about meeting the one and only bambi jin. come on, deary." the woman started strutting off, expecting the girl to follow, however she just stood there, like a statue.

"i said come on! we mustn't keep the dark lord waiting." she seethed, but bambi stayed glued to the ground, refusing to move even a muscle.

bambi felt her heart rate going up, and the air around her got tense. without a doubt, bellatrix lestrange was angry.

"what did you do!?" tara jin almost fainted at the sight of her six year old daughter covered in mud and blood. her arms and legs covered in scars, her hair tangled and messy. 

"i didn't do anything! there was a muggle boy, and he was threatening me, and then he and one of his friends pushed me into the mud and started to kick me. i'm sorry, mommy" a little bambi cried holding her arms out for comfort, but her mother just shooed her away with a dish rag.

"go bathe, you smell awful. then we will continue talking about what happened to you, and this time you will not lie." bambi felt like crying, she wasn't lying, there was a boy, a big one. and he had a friend! they were making fun of her for being a girl and so she punched them, not that her mother needed to know that part.

the little girl stalked back to her room, dragging mud through the house. she wanted to cry, but her mother told her that crying was for the weak. why couldn't she do anything right? couldn't even protect herself from a few muggle boys. even if they were bigger and stronger than her.

she turned on the shower, the hot water burning her skin. but she was too upset to notice. she finally let herself go, and the little girl's tears mixed with the hot streams, and by the time her mother had called her for dinner, she was void of any tears.

that day her mother taught her a very important lesson.

never let someone walk all over you, no matter muggle or wizard. 

"go away you old hag." bambi glared at bellatrix, the same fear she felt earlier had completely left, for the teenager had realized she had the upper hand. 

at her words, the woman just in front of her just scoffed, taking her wand from her side once again to point it at bambi. "i don't think you know your place, deary. that's alright, i'll teach it to you."

"no you won't. because you are a coward. you are afraid of what your dark lord will do to you if he finds out you hurt something he needs. you are afraid of him tossing you to the side and calling you useless, all because you decided to preform a forbidden curse on a little girl he deems worthy enough to send you to retrieve." bellatrix began shooting curses at bambi, doing anything to get out her relentless anger, because this time, it was bambi who struck a nerve. 

eventually, the woman got tired of pointless curses, when it was obvious they had no effect on bambi.

"fine, i'm leaving. but just you know, that i will be back, not alone, but with enough people to consider an army. the war isn't over, deary, it's just beginning." before bambi could reply, bellatrix laughed manically once more, before disappearing in a puff of smoke, like a pitiful muggle magician.

the girl stood there for a little while, before walking back to the dusty old house dumbledore was having her stay in. the fear was finally setting in.

oh god was she stupid.

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hi............ listen, i know it's been like 
two weeks BUT i was lazy,,,, sooo...
anyways writing 2k words per chapter is 
hard and time consuming so i'm setting a goal
for 1k each chapter, but yas. also my 
writing style sucks ass i hate it sm. HAVE A 


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