/"Ah-ah, on and on and on
Ah-ah, on and on and on"/

That is until he felt eyes on him.

The older slowly became alert to his surroundings, looking around the maze of people.

Something was off. The music turned and twisted and in his ears as the paranoia set in. He soon locked eyes on a certain person in the crowd. He resembled...

No, not resembled. Those characteristics were one's that could only describe SungMin.

The threatening, grimace smile, and squinted eyes hovering over his body. His jaw locks looking down at the male all over Taehyung, marking him as a target.

He stands from across the club, setting his drink down on a random table, moving his foot in front of the other, making a b-line for Taehyung.

"Jungkook.." Tae lightly lifts the younger's head up to look into his eyes. "I have to go to the bathroom." He disconnects from him and walks away. Jungkook saw a bit of fear in Taehyung's when he was speaking, he was in distress.

'Was I being too much? Did he not want me to touch him like that?' Worried thoughts kept filling the idol's mind, he wanted to make Taehyung feel safe and confident with him. Did he feel uncomfortable?

Taehyung barged into the bathroom and locked himself into a stall. Hands covering his face. He can't escape the control, the manipulation he was put under for two years. With eyes starting to fill he looks down at the dirty bathroom floor. Heavy teardrops rolled out, and hit his hands. Small sobs are the only heard in the stall, but outside the roaring music was able to flood everyone else's ears.

He was alone. Wild thoughts overflowing his dark mind, and mental capacity depleting. He couldn't describe how the hold he had was still there even with Jungkook...


He realized how he had left Jungkook. How SungMin could hurt him. /Would/ hurt him.

He immediately pulled himself together and stepped out of the stall. When looking in the smudged mirror, he lifted his hands wiping the tears away and fixed himself up.

Jungkook was headed towards the bathroom, gathering more momentum with each step until someone grabbed his shoulder from behind him. He turned around to the unidentified man, who was already striking at him.

Jungkook took the surprise blow, not understanding what was happening, but before the male could hit him again Jungkook stopped him by holding his arm in the air. The crowd wasn't yet fazed by the fight on the dance floor, but Jungkook gathered the attention of the rest of the group.

Namjoon ran in between sweaty dancing bodies, then in between the two pushing them apart. At this point Jimin recognized the male counterpart.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he shouted over to the intruder, face showing such strong aggression. He was about to push through the crowd, but Yoongi held him back before his anger could be let out onto the jackass.

"You know this dude?" Jungkook exclaimed, while wiping the blood off of the side of his mouth and wiggling his jaw.

Taehyung walked out of the bathroom and noticed the small crowd on the dance floor. He already knew it had to do with SungMin, destruction follows him everywhere.

"Sung, just leave." Taehyung felt the nickname fall out before he could remember that he used to love it, now it tastes sour.

"This is SungMin?" Jungkook hissed, winding up for a fight with the other, Namjoon pushing him back more, seeing the anger in his eyes grow.

"And who's this?" SungMin interjected, "Huh, Tae?"

"None of your business." He replied confidently. Then he looked at Jungkook bleeding, his head started pounding. His tone changed instantaneously, "What did you do!?"

Taehyung's eyes were practically red, and the glare that stared down at SungMin, was impossibly dark.

"What the fuck did you do?" Taehyung slowly repeated, getting closer to his ex...

Taehyung has never been like this before, even Jimin was surprised at the act. The blonde was showing strength he hasn't handled in, well, ever. Even if it was SungMin, the person that seemed to control his life for so long, he showed no weakness.

Now, at this moment, any control SungMin had over Taehyung was gone.

"What? Did I hurt your new fuck buddy?... Jimin wasn't good enough.." SungMin fake pouted, before Taehyung swiftly took his back down and kneed a strong beating into the other's stomach. The group let out a little 'Ooh' when SungMin fell on the floor holding his abdomen.

"Fuck you!" Taehyung yelled, "For you to think I was disloyal after everything...You are clueless and loveless. You think you can beat up my boyfriend? Get a fucking life. I'm not yours, I'm not a little toy you can play with whenever you want. Stay out of my life and Leave everyone I know alone." Taehyung was showing a side to SungMin that he had never seen before, and Jungkook was proud; also, to be completely honest, turned on.

While laying on the floor, SungMin was in disbelief for feeling intimidated by Taehyung.

"You can have him." SungMin chokes, while struggling to get up. "It's not like he was good a fuck anyway." Taehyung was about to hit him again, but wasn't as quick as Jungkook, who escaped Namjoon's grasp and knocked that bitch out.

"That'll shut him up." Jungkook said cheekily. "I think we should go..."

Taehyung didn't answer with words, but instead took a hold of Jungkook's hand and shamelessly stepped over the body blocking his walkway.

Can you stay-- Taekook-kookvWhere stories live. Discover now