Chapter 7

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Taehyung wakes up Saturday morning, the day after the concert, still exhausted from staying up later than he planned. He went to the bathroom to clean himself up, and planned to rest a bit more, that is until he hears Jimin walking around the kitchen, so he heads there himself.

"Jimin, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Why is the flour on the floor? And the butter in the sink?.. Is that syrup on the ceiling?!" He started yelling at the current state of his kitchen.

"I'm making pancakes." Jimin says sweetly.

"And that means using everything in the cupboards, why is the hot sauce out?" Tae picks up the bottle on the counter next to the syrup,then sets it back down in disgust.

"Maybe I like it, why you judging?" Jimin snaps back. "Why can't you start the morning with a, 'Hey my favorite person in the whole world, I love you, good morning'."

"Because I am not a weirdo" Taehyung blows a kiss and sits on the stool next to his easel, "I guess I should finish my painting. Since I didn't get to yesterday night." Jimin glares at Tae for a moment before speaking,

"Hey now, if I didn't take you with me, you wouldn't have met your future baby daddy, Jungkook." Jimin says while actually pouring hot sauce on his plate.

"Ew, stop. That's gross."

"Don't bump it till you try it," Jimin takes a bite and his face turns immediately, almost throws up right on the spot. He spits his food into the garbage and looks back at Tae. 'I told you so', written all over his face. "Okay, Yoongi is paying for that, why would he say that it tastes good?."

"He probably was messing with you." Taehyung says, rolling his eyes to Jimin's gullible personality.

"Well, now he doesn't get this fat ass." Jimin replies, turning and points to his butt. Tae laughs while shaking his head.

"You and I both know, you're gonna let him hit that," He contradicts.

"Let me act pure for like 2 seconds." Jimin jokingly pleads before sitting next to Taehyung on the other stool. "So, what's next with the painting?"

"I don't know, something was missing before, but I think I have an idea of what to do." Taehyung answers while picking up a brush. He begins working on the man in the illustration, creating a more muscular-toned outline to the existing body. Additionally, he picked up a color of a deep brown, making the shaggy hair darker. Jimin looks at the painting for a moment, and a smile peeks through.

"That looks an awful lot like Jungkook." Jimin blurts out. Taehyung gives a dirty look back at him.

"No it doesn't, go sit on the couch, stop hovering over me." The blonde directs.

Jimin just lifts his arms in surrender and walks to the couch, starting to text with Yoongi again.

    Jimin just lifts his arms in surrender and walks to the couch, starting to text with Yoongi again

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