Chapter 5

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Jungkook was getting a bit overwhelmed by the crowd around him. And with his fingers still tingling and fidgeting out of control, he felt a bit too much pressure in the moment.

He was towards a table to get a bottle of water when--

"I'm so sorry," Jungkook says, concerned. "Are you okay?" A dirty blond boy was now caught in Jungkook's strong arms.

Eyes trapped on him, Jungkook was quickly memorizing the beauty. Dark chocolate colored eyes, open-wide, looking up in a cute panic. Blushed, puffy cheeks, just looking to get squished. Beauty marks pointing out a starry constellation over his skin. And full, pink lips that lay slightly agape, letting out a distressed breath as he was falling. Jungkook was taken aback, He looked ethereal. He was built to aesthetically please anyone, his slim waist atop of an hour-glass bottom and soft honey-toned skin. 

After staying in that position for a few more seconds, Taehyung was now back at balance and  looked at the well-built raven in front of him. Jungkook has a sense of duality to him that he hadn't noticed before, but then again that would mean he would have had to pay attention. Jungkook looks like in one go he will rip your heart out, but his doe eyes stop Taehyung from fleeing, whispering that he is safe and protected.

"It's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." Tae softly pleads. "I'm so sorry." He bows in front of the idol and Jungkook picks him up from it quickly.

"No need for that, it must hurt your back." Jungkook says softly with a laugh, looking around if anyone else was hurt. "You are okay right?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." The blonde says, stumbling from his embarrassment, almost knocking into another person. Jungkook grabs the olders' waist and pulls him closer. Face-to-face again. Jungkook got to stare at Taehyung for another moment, taking him in.

"I think I should start to worry." Jungkook teases, Taehyung's face now mastering the color of wild cherry. He balances out yet again this time, striving to keep it and lets out a small laugh. 'I'm making a fool of myself,' he thought.

Jungkook reading his worried face, says, "Is this what people call a 'meet cute'?"

Taehyung can't even force out any words to reply. 

Looking at the frozen older male in front of him, Jungkook hands him a water bottle before grabbing one for himself.

"Here, drink... clear your throat." I can tell you one thing, Taehyung didn't want his throat clear when in the presence of Jungkook! (if you know what i mean;) ) however right now he downs the bottle to hide the heat in his cheeks.

"Thank You." he says between swallowing. Jungkook keeps his attention to Taehyung's deep voice, not knowing how it could come out of the delicate looking male.

"You're Welcome..." Jungkook stops, as if he was asking for the other's name. "What's your name?"

"Um," Taehyung hesitates.

/what the hell is happening?/

Feeling like Jimin from earlier, Taehyung squeals softly, when this question is being asked. With no Jimin to chime in and speak for him, because he was flirting with Yoongi, he forced out an answer.

"Tae...Kim Taehyung." he stutters

"You're welcome, Taehyung-ssi." Jungkook repeats. Oh God, saying his name was soft, liquid honey on his lips. And while on the subject, Jungkook happened to never allow his gaze off of the olders' pink lips being bitten down on.

Taehyung was feeling uneasy, and overwhelmed. At the beginning of the night he didn't even want to be at the concert, now he never wanted to leave the arms of security holding him.  He thinks about walking away because his mind just lays empty with no words to say, until Jimin and Yoongi both head over to them.

"Damn, you got to meet Jungkook before me... rude." Jimin jokes. Now standing by Taehyung. The awkward feeling now able to be felt by the two joining males.

"Anygays..." Jimin huffs into the silence, " Hi Jungkook-ssi!"

"Uh, Hey," Jungkook returns excitedly. Seeing the closeness of Jimin and Taehyung. "Are you guys friends?" He asks, looking at the blonde. He just nods still shy.

"Friends? Correction soulmates*, we have been together since diapers," Jimin butts in, while Jungkook eyes the two.

"Platonically," Taehyung finally voices, bumping Jimin toward Yoongi, looking at Jungkook's eyes. Yoongi takes this chance to grab Jimin's hips pulling him into a low back hug as if he had to stabilize the redhead.

"And you two know each other?" Jungkook asks Yoongi and Jimin, who are flirting again.

"Met a few minutes ago," Yoongi says, looking at a giggling Jimin, A reaction from the touches they were sharing.

" So, this is...?" Jungkook points.

"Jimin." Taehyung answers. As the two are still flirting, now booping each other's noses.

"That fast, huh..." Jungkook whispers to Taehyung who was standing closer to him.

"When Jimin falls, he falls hard...he has had a massive crush on Yoongi, well AgustD, since his debut." He explained. Talking to Jungkook felt easy, aside from the fact that he would blush just by looking at him.

"Do you need more water? You are still really red."

"No, um I'm just feeling a little sensory overloaded, I'll just step outside."

"I'll come with you... make sure you're okay. Maybe give those two a little space..." Jungkook directs Taehyung to a back exit. Finding a bench, they both sit close getting some fresh air.

"Do this with all your fans?" Taehyung teases sarcastically.

"No, usually they attack me with love and hugs and ask for pictures," Jungkook says, not sensing the clear sarcasm."They mean well, and I really truly love them, but sometimes I need a break."

"I didn't think you would act like this..." Taehyung shares in disbelief. "You are... kind." Jungkook takes the compliment, but asks away anyways,

"How would I act in that head of yours?" Jungkook banters.

"Like an ass," Taehyung says straightforwardly.

"Ouch" Jungkook grabs his heart and tips his head over to Taehyung cutely, causing a smile to rupture on the olders' face. He wasn't like everyone else, and Jungkook was learning that pretty quickly.

"I mean. You are meant to act with this angsty, 'i hate everyone' persona, what do you expect me to think?"

"I don't know, but even so I have manners," Jungkook murmured. "I have my image, but.."

"Believe it when I see it." Taehyung interrupts, turning back to the eye contact they can't seem to escape.

"Does that mean you plan to see me again?" Jungkook hopes.

"Maybe," Taehyung is getting up, starting back into the room to find Jimin. Jungkook follows behind him, like a puppy, but gets caught up with some fans. Once he is done greeting and taking photos he spots Taehyung again rushing close.

"Yoongi I have to go, my dorm's curfew is coming close..." Jimin cries, already on a first name basis? wow. "I have your number, I'll text you."

"...ok..." Yoongi says in a small voice, but not letting Jimin go. Jungkook is back standing with the trio.

"You guys are leaving?" Jungkook worries.

"Jimin has a dorm curfew," Yoongi said sadly. They begin to step away, but Jungkook grabs Tae's wrist lightly. He hated doing it, in the cringy way it was, but still did it nonetheless.

"Can I get a photo before you go?" Jungkook asks Taehyung, giving him this confused look.

/'Jungkook wants a photo with me?'/ He takes out his phone to snap a selfie with the adorable blonde. Then he watches them walk away.

Can you stay-- Taekook-kookvDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora