Chapter 4

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While waiting in line, Taehyung had time to calm himself down. 'He sang one good song, it wasn't even his. Don't flip out over a cover,' he thought.

Jimin simply kept smirking towards him. He knew that by the end of the concert Tae would become a fan of the young artist. The line kept moving forward and soon they were backstage.


Despite the fact Jungkook already performed, back in his dressing room his nerves were still shot. He is taking his sweaty clothes off to change, before greeting his fans in the following room. He slips into the room quietly, consequently bumping into his other best friend Yoongi.

"Oh what?! You came? I thought you were busy tonight." Jungkook said excitedly.

    "Well I couldn't miss this concert, I already had to miss the tour because of my schedule." Yoongi replied, a rapper that goes by the name of Agust D.

"Well I know you're just as busy as I am." Jungkook murmurs. "It's good to see you though."  His head dives into Yoongi's neck, hugging him and lifting him up. Yoongi in a stern, but playful tone tells Jungkook to put him down, and pushes him away. He loves Jungkook, but doesn't like it when he hugs him so lovingly, especially in front of all the people filling up the room. Too mushy.

    "I'll talk to you later. Go say hello to your fans." Yoongi suggests, while slowly pushing Jungkook into the small crowd. He stumbles slightly towards the fans now surrounding him. He smiles and talks to some individually.

"Hey Jungkook, can I get a picture?" One fan requests.

"Oh me too" Another copies. He complies, ending up taking multiple pictures with his endearing fans. Slowly, he begins to experience a tingling feeling throughout his body. He brushes it off, returning his attention to the sweet girl in front of him. He thought the weird sensation could be from all the attention, but he adored his fans and the ability to meet them personally. Even so, he felt off, something was about to happen.


Taehyung and Jimin enter the room, eyes staring down all corners to try to spot Jungkook. Jimin finally spots him, and freaks out, well a different him.

"Agust D!?" They both shout while almost jumping on top of the shorter male. Just almost.

Putting themselves back on their feet from falling on to the floor, They greet the rapper in front of them. 'Jin was right. I'm meeting another idol.' Taehyung notions.

" Oh my god, both of my favorite artists are in the same room as me." Jimin calls out.

"Um hi? You guys are fans?" Yoongi questions in a low voice.

"Um.. hi," Jimin copies his introduction, " YES, HUGE fans. I speak for the both of us," Motioning to Taehyung with his hand. Tae agrees, showing an excessive nod. Yoongi is intrigued by the energy that the odd, redhead is throwing towards him, not used to such an open, eccentric character.

"Oh cool, I didn't think not people would recognize me. What are your names?" Yoongi asks all humble, wanting to know more about the men in front of him.

"You're asking my name? " Jimin squeals, biting his knuckles, slightly blushing from the small attention the idol was giving him.  Such a simple question makes butterflies fill his stomach. Taehyung sees this mini, gay panic- 'break down and speaks out his name.

"Kim Taehyung. And this is Park Jimin, you can call him Jiminie." Jimin hears his nickname and glares at Tae.

"No, he's only joking." He slaps Taehyung's arm, but turns and brightly smiles at Yoongi. "You don't have to call me that."

"I don't know, 'Jiminie' is cute." Yoongi says in return, taking out his hand to shake Jimin's.

"Not as much as Yoongi is," Jimin quickly covers his mouth. Did he really just flirt with his idol? (RIP). Yoongi reacts surprisingly, slightly snorting,

"You're right, nothing can beat that." He flirts back.

Like all of Earth's time had passed, Yoongi and Jimin looked like a pair of old friends, comfortable, rubbing close to each other. Flirting in fact. The blonde slides away from the couple, so his bestie can get that D!

Walking backwards, not really watching where he was going, and while he still looks back at Jimin and Yoongi, Taehyung promptly pushes himself backward into /him/.

Scared of the close proximity with a stranger man, Taehyung trips backwards on himself. The man catches Taehyung before falling, holding tight on his slim waist.

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