Prevention is better than the cure

Start from the beginning

Of course there are simply things that he must not do as a matter of common sense.

It was... strange and scary. In a snap of a finger, he was alone. Unexpected is the least he could describe the feeling was. And he was only seventeen, actually not legally old enough to drink alcohol yet, ha. What nonsense...

His first serious moral dilemma and all without a clear 'right' answer. Domestic violence - should he risk himself to solve such a paltry problem? Should he even care about it?

After all, while he did not consider himself a bad person... was he supposed to interfere with this at all? And even if he decided to do so, what was he supposed to do?

Jonathan didn't know, but endless self-pity will only tie his hands. If you don't make a decision, then the decision will be made for you... The old man said something like that to him long ago, ha.

Shaking his head again, Jonathan sighed.

He will look after Cinder for now and assess the situation closer. He still had enough leeway to just follow her in case something happened...

And no, Jonathan did not allow the thought of how strange those words sounded enter his mind!

He'll just look after Cinder... And, perhaps, if what he saw really turns out to be as terrible as he imagined, then he'll deal with Miss Sunny. Somehow.

Jonathan shook his head before staring at the ground below.

He had no fear of heights, but such great height nevertheless caused a certain amount of fear to sprout in him like any rational and thinking creature.

A mile and a half, probably... Long fall to the ground...

With these thoughts running in his mind, Jonathan placed his hand on the ground - before pushing off with his left hand. Immediately, his legs began to fall into the void in front of him. He was falling...


And then he landed on the nearest rooftop of the house that he spotted on the way to the edge of Atlas from the hotel.

The sudden change in positioning almost made him fall to his butt and gaze at the ground below him uncomfortably close. Balance regained, he glanced at the fence closing off the edge of the city not far away.

The cliff of the floating city was well guarded - it was fenced off by a decently large fence topped off with barbed wire. But Atlas apparently did not have significant experience of interacting with teleporters, so it was not difficult for Jonathan to get into the closed area. Just as easy as it is for returning back... the place was literally brimming with Aer

Indeed, a place so infused with Aer was the best place to use Aer magic. All he had to do to teleport there was catch a glimpse of the right place, then create an act of Movement, before using his Will to simply 'move' there.

Indeed, a free fall, a leap into the unknown, performed with his left hand, the hand correlated with Aer, was enough likeness to complete the task.

And so once again, on the roof of the house, Jonathan repeated the same ritual. After which he found himself below, in a dark alley nowhere near the previous location, close to the hotel.

He pulled his cloak closer and put on his felt hat, covering his face from curious passers-by.

Slowly the light of dawn flooded the streets of the city, which had become so uncomfortable and inhospitable at night. But, for now, the streets were still practically empty - except for some sleepy passers-by, returning home from their nightly adventures.

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