Chapter 32 Moving On

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I reached back home.. parked the car and wiped my eyes.. I applied a little makeup to hide marks of tears and went in my flat..

Zayn- What took you so long?
Avneet- I met one of my friend and we went to get a dessert..
Zayn- Oh.. its okay.. sleep for tonight... we will do the shoot tomorrow..
*Avneet nodded*

Zayn- I brought these new makeup and face products for you.. it will give you instant glow.. take your time for tomorrow's photoshoot and let me know when you are ready.. okay?
*I nodded and went to my room*

*Avneet's POV*
I locked the room and started crying again.. Memories rolling in front of my eyes..

I didn't knew when I slept as my eyes went blurry and red..

Next day in Morning

I woke up.. I was feeling cold and my body was shivering because I slept on floor itself.. I remembered what he did but before tears could start flowing.. I wiped them

Avneet- Its a new day.. let's start with new beginnings too... forget the past *I said to myself*

I went in the bathroom and took a long bath.. Washed my hairs and came out in a shorts and Hoodie because I am feeling cold..

Avneet- I have work.. I need to see what products I have got for photoshoot..

*oh you might be wondering why I am getting these products so yeah I am a small influencer too.. or you can say Artist.. I work for brands that want model with their products.. and that's what I have received today*

I went out to ask (Zayn) bhaiya about what are we shooting for and who will be shooting with us.. I mean our cameraman.

I went out and saw he is working on cameras
Avneet- Bhaiya.. aren't we calling any camerman?
Zayn- No I will manage this.. I have an off today..
Avneet- Okay.. what are the products..?
Zayn- They are inside that box.. some fancy dresses..

Avneet went and took that box with her in her room.

Avneet's POV
Good clothes can make my mood and so I quickly opened the box... but what I saw inside went me go completely blank..

I came outside and asked him if he placed the right box or did he take the wrong products but he replied in NO and I went again to check them..

To be Continued
What made Avneet go blank?

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