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Chapter 16- In New York!! 🚕

"It's that Empire State of mind."
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It was my first night living in New York again. I really can't believe that we even came back. I swear my parents don't be telling me shit.

Like why did we leave in 2009?? Or why did we move back now??

All of these unanswered questions are just lingering in my mind. I take my shower, and come back into the room.

I turned on the tv, and went to YouTube. I don't know who need to hear this but you ain't no New Yorker if you ain't heard "Empire State of Mind".

That song is such a vibe. People don't understand and comprehend the life some New Yorkers have to live. The expectations that people elsewhere expects to see.

That perfections doesn't exist anywhere. Because trust an believe if you think Brooklyn is bad. Yo ass will still get robbed in Manhattan.

Having money don't make you exempt from life. Just listen to the song. The lyrics, the beat, just try and understand what's the point their trying to get across.

"Hey that's my jam."

My dad said walking into my room.

I nodded my head in response.

"Yeah it's that Empire State of mind."

He left my room and I finished the song. Then finally I turned off the tv and was able to fall asleep.

But I had a strange feeling that I was missing something.

Next Time on... ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔫𝔶

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