Chapter 6- She's adorable

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Hey there!!

Here's the next chapterrr.. happy reading <3

Sadhvi Pov.

After eating the snacks and all. They were all talking who will sleep in which room. As our home is a two-storey building, we stay on the ground floor and the two rooms upstairs are on rent.  Everything was decided but aanya wished to sleep with me, and I sleep in the room at the terrace. 

After talking, they all made a decision that when aanya will be asleep veer will bring her downstairs. Till then raina didi and sunaina didi will chat in the living room. But... Why is no one asking for my opinion? That's my room. Don't bother guys I'm just being dramatic. 

When I was roaming my eyes around, I wanted to see veer and my eyes ran towards him. We made contact and he asked me through expressions if sharing room was fine and I assured him by blinking my eyes. 

He asked for my opinion. Awww, this was nice. These kinda boys are still there?

You know what I think? Men, who asks for any one's opinion are hard to see. They think that anything they'll decide will be correct only. In a girl's life, she watches her father for the most of her life and yeah he's not that kind of men I'm talking about. And I can surely say that my father is a very good husband to my mom. He never picks a fight and always try to cool down mom. Yeah, when I was younger my father once scolded me. But the reason was also kind of good. Because... umm.. I was eating bournvita which was fallen on the floor. 

Silly I know. Don't judge yarrr I was a babyyy. *pouting*

So where was I? Yeah, by that opinion thingy, I'm not talking about my dad. I'm talking about my best friend. No, actually, "BOY BEST FRIEND". We were childhood-buddies. I won't deny the fact that for the first few years I had a teeny-weeny crush at him but when I was getting mature, I realised that he is not my type. I want someone who appreciate me, care about me, talks with me. But he was not like that. So I eventually realised that he is not worth calling a best friend, maybe a childhood friend. And after completing my schooling, I broke all the ties with him. Not any fights or anything.

While thinking these things, I didn't realise that I was in my room now. I'll change my clothes before veer and aanya comes. But why is he taking time? I mean till now aanya would have dragged him here. She's not patient you know.

I changed my clothes in a light blue cotton anarkali kurta and white pants, as it is very comfortable and now I was making my room look presentable. He should not feel that this girl aka me, is clumsy. 

Oh, I remembered what aanya said back at lawn.. I love you mami. I as flustrated about that fact that I was blushing, not all red cheeks. My defination of blushing is "smiling so much even after trying to control, for a specific reason." 

Umm I don't know why but I didn't feel bad at the idea of me and veer together. He is a good man from what I know. And.. I like him.

By now I was sitting here waiting for them. And then I heard a knock on my door.

Huff huff.. I took deep breathes. Oh my god, it's not your first night. Shut up and open the door.

I opened the door and he was in loose pajamas and a loose T-shirt. Again, he looks soooo cute with his ruffled hair. Why am I acting like I'm watching a boy for the first time in my life.

"Didi.." Aanya said breaking our contact.

I looked at her smiling, picked her up and she kissed me on my cheeks. I also kissed her and said, "Hii aanya. You're looking so cute in you night wears."

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