20 Make the earth

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Zhou ge and Lu Mengsheng divorced many years ago.

zhou ge went to college, has culture, looks pretty, and can be amazing. when they got married, lu mengsheng was just a poor boy who had never gone to college.

lu zhi did not know what his parents' love looked like, but he clearly sensed that zhou ge did not love him.

they didn't seem to have much love when they were together, and most of the time, it was lu mengsheng's unilateral compromise.

because the family was poor, lu zhi and lu yao had a bit of a hard time when they were young, and they could eat enough, but they rarely ate meat. most of the clothes lu yao wore were also worn by lu zhi when he was a child, and after a few years, the color faded and became gray, and the cuffs were still worn.

the family lived in a cramped two-bedroom apartment full of clutter.

the young and beautiful zhou ge rarely did housework, the family was in a mess, and lu zhi learned to wash his own clothes and sweep the floor at a very young age.

they were about seven or eight years old when they divorced.

that year, lu mengsheng was unfavorable, and the lu family was also quite poor, and the broken second-hand real estate resale company operated by lu mengsheng was not operating properly, and it was almost bankrupt, and it could not receive business at all.

it was a rainy night.

the green vegetation outside the window sill was shaken by the storm, the indoor light was dim, the lightning suddenly struck down, the interior was instantly bright and white, and the transparent glass windows reflected the scene inside the house.

the thunder and lightning were mournful, like the desperate and powerless roar of a dying man.

lu mengsheng and zhou ge were arguing, and lu zhi and lu yao stood with their eyes open, watching from the side, not daring to come forward and speak.

lu zhi protected lu yao in his arms, and lu yao also grabbed lu yao's arm. <

both children are afraid that they can't do it, but they still have to rely on each other for warmth.

zhou ge glanced at the narrow house, held his arms, raised his chin high, like a god buddha who looked at all sentient beings, and sneered: "this kind of day, lu mengsheng, i have really had enough."

lu mengsheng was also speechless. he seemed to have always bowed his head in front of zhou ge, and he did not dare to refute it, only hoping that zhou ge could stay.

a home that is not harmonious is better than a completely broken home.

he couldn't remember many of the details, and he forgot what he was thinking.

i only remember that zhou ge threw the divorce certificate in lu mengsheng's face, looked at lu zhi and lu yao with disgust, had a big fight with lu mengsheng, and smashed lu mengsheng's head with a wine bottle.

finally, without nostalgia, he grabbed the door and went out, not forgetting to hold an umbrella to avoid the rain before leaving.

it was as if the lu zhi and lu yao behind her were garbage, not worth giving affection, nor worth taking away.

later, zhou ge remarried and married a very rich man.

she was originally beautiful, three points pure and seven points charming. sex, marrying a rich second generation is an extremely easy thing, but when he was young, he was carried away by love and married to the poor boy lu mengsheng.

Married and loved with a rich old man firstWhere stories live. Discover now