xviii. nausea, violence, & i love you

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SPOILED INNOCENCEchapter eighteen❝nausea, violence, & i love you❞

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chapter eighteen
❝nausea, violence, & i love you❞

"SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?" Baby asked nervously as she harshly gripped the arms of the office chairs.

"It has come to my attention that a student, Madeline Perez, was assaulted. I am undergoing an investigation to see what happened."

"Assaulted? Is she okay?"

"Yes, she is okay. It seems that there is simply some bruising, but this is a very serious issue. I've heard from some classmates that you are close to Madeline and work for the Jacobs family. Have you ever seen Nate Jacobs be physically or verbally abusive to Madeline?"

"No," Baby answered.

She thought about Nate and his anger. Sure, he had gotten harsh with her a few times before, but he had never laid a hand on her. Well, there was that one time, but he didn't mean it, right? He never meant to hurt her. She couldn't even really clearly remember the account of that night. All she remembered was Nate getting really angry and herself getting very scared, but it was all so blurry.

For a moment, Baby contemplated bringing up that night. She was sure that would shed some light on the investigation. She took a deep breath before she spoke, still unsure of what she was going to say.

"Nate has some unresolved anger issues, I think anyone who knows him in any personal compacity would agree with me on that, but Nate isn't that kind of person. I have been very close with his family for some time now, and he's never gotten violent with me before, nor have I seen him get violent with anyone else before."

Part of Baby felt disappointed by her false acquittance, but another part felt relieved almost. Sure it was a lie, but the more she talked about it, it felt real. She couldn't act all close to Nate and think he was a bad person. It was so much easier to forget that anything even happened.

Principal Hayes nodded, sketching a few things on a piece of paper before he stood up.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Walters."

Baby simply nodded before she made her way out of his office.

As she walked the halls and made her way back to her class, she felt something boiling inside of her. She tried to push it down the best she could, but she still found herself instead sprinting to the bathroom. She pushed open the nearest stall and quickly dropped to her knees as she spewed bile from her stomach just as she had spewed the lies from her throat moments earlier.

It was almost painful to release everything she had held inside of her. It felt disgusting as well.

Once she was done, she sat on the ground for a moment, trying to catch her breath. She felt a presence behind her which caused her to look up.

"Girl, are you okay?" BB asked.

"Yup, doing great," Baby lied.

"Did you hear that Nate tried to strangle Maddy?"

SPOILED INNOCENCE (cal jacobs)Where stories live. Discover now