Dinner Date

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I walked into the yard, and hands came over my eyes. A recognizable voice said,"Guess who?"

I also heard a girlish giggle, which totally gave away who was asking?"

"Ashton, I know it's you."

"How could you tell?," he said jokingly.

I just laughed, and he grabbed my hand and escorted me to the back patio where dinner was being held. I looked around for my mother, to make sure she wasn't there, or that she wasn't looking. I only saw my brother Harry walking into the yard, his hands in his pockets and his head cast to the ground. Ashton sat me down at the table, where there was a place marked ~Abby~. To my left was ~Ashton~, and to my right was ~Harry~. I realized that it was meant for my brother, because to his right was the name tag ~Harry Irwin~. Across Ashton, sat his mum, to her left was my mum, and then Lauren. Strangely enough, there was a spot labeled ~Indie~, which I later found out was the name of their dog. The dog obviously didn't sit at the table with us, but sat under the table where his spot would have been on the floor.

"Hey look, it's you mum," Ashton said, waving to her like a little kid,"Are you gonna say hello?"

"Ash, she's my mum, I just saw her literally 2 minutes ago. Why don't you say hi to your mum?"

"Okay,"he said, and waved to Anne-Marie.

"You didn't get the sarcasm in my voice, did you?"

He blushed, and said,"No, I guess I didn't."

"Oh, Ashton."

"Time for dinner, everybody," Anne-Marie said," Your spots out marked with the table cards Lauren made-"

"I helped," Harry added with a pout.

"We can tell," muttered Lauren.

Harry shot her a dirty look, and Anne-Marie continued to speak.

"We have the casserole courtesy of the Greene's, and I made a few things to go with it. Later we'll roast mallows when it gets dark. Let's say grace. Ashton?

"Okay," he said, and we all held hands with each other and closed our eyes.

"Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen."

"Amen," we all echoed.

We all let go of our hands, but when mine got under the table, Ashton grabbed my left hand and held it, out of view from our parents.

Lauren was the first person to break the silence, by saying,"So, Abby, why don't you introduce is to your mum and brother?"

"Okay. This is my brother Harry,"I said, looking at him, because my hands were busy.

"And this is my mum, Elizabeth."

"That was very nice, Abby," Anne-Marie said in a motherly tone," As most of you know, this is my daughter Lauren, my eldest son Ashton, and my younger song, Harry. Oh boy. Two Harry's. This will be hard,"she said as she pursed her lips.

"If it helps, people call me Hazza,"Harry Irwin said,"But mum doesn't like that."

"You know it," Anne-Marie said.

My brother Harry said,"Let's figure out all this name stuff later. Can we eat?"

"Of course,"Anne-Marie said,"Dig in!"

We all started, to eat, and my phone vibrated. No one noticed because everyone was chattering. I briefly let go of Ashton's hand, and typed in my iPhone password. He looked at me nervously, and I looked up while I read the text.

"When are we telling our mums about us? I don't wanna tell them without you saying so."

The text was from Ashton, and I tyoed while looking up, so it wouldn't look like I was on my phone. I scooped some corn into my mouth with the fork, and continued to type until I finished my message.

"I don't know. Maybe later. Right now it's kinda soon, since our mums just met. Depends on their mood."

As soon as I was done typing, my phone buzzed with another text.

"Okay. Maybe after dessert?"

"Sure, yeah. Whatevs."

We both put our phones back in our pockets, and continued eating. Harry and Harry both talked a lot, and apparently MY brother Harry was good with kids. He also talked with Lauren, because we were all paired up, except for Lauren: Ashton and Abby. Anne-Marie and Victoria. Harry and Harry. She played a lot with Indie under the table with her feet, though. Our mums talked about adult things, and Ashton and I contributed a little, because we were getting a little older, and should be talking about things like that.

"Where are the bathrooms?"

"Abby, sweetheart, I think Ashton could show it to you. It's hard for me to explain. I'm sorry that the boxes might be in your way," Anne-Marie said.

"Um... okay."

I pushed pack from the table, and Ashton and I went into the house.


"Here's the bathroom. You didn't really have to go though, right?"

"Of course not, Ashton. I had to talk to you away from them."

"What about?"

"Well, my brother saw us earlier. I just wanted you to know."

"Oh. That's kinda awkward. He's not gonna tell gonna tell anyone, right? At least until we tell our mums."

"I made that deal with him earlier. It's okay, you can trust him."


"Let's go back before they think something's up. Okay, Ashton?"

"Yeah, sure."

We went back outside, and everyone pulled away from the table, and went and sat by the campfire, which Hazza later told me, was started by my mum. Anne-Marie went inside to get mallows and the rest of the s'more supplies. Around the campfire were wooden logs, which served as benches. Harry Irwin sat with his sister, I sat with Ashton, our mums sat together, and my brother Harry sat next to Indie. He had always wanted a dog, but we never could afford one. I snuggled up close to Ashton, and got ready to have an amazing evening.

A/N: I hope Ashton saying Grace does not offend anyone, I never meant for it to. It's just that he is very religious and a big Christian, so I decided to include that in my story. There had been one person that told me about this, but I wasn't sure what to do. If you want me to re-write that paragraph, please leave a comment below or DM me. Please accept my apologies. -@i_luv_ashtonirwin18

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