Morning Drive

956 33 69

The song for this chapter is American Idiot by Green Day, becaus it comes up in this chapter.

"Hey Abby."

"Hey, Ashton. How's your morning going so far?"

"Well, I haven't had my coffee yet, so I'm kind of tired. But don't worry, I can still drive."

"Okay. Thanks for picking me up"

"You're welcome. Hop on in," he opened the door, and asked me,"Did I wake your mum up? I hope I didn't disturb her."

"No, don't worry. Only my brother woke up, but he did that himself."

"Are you nervous? I am kind of is because haven't really performed for anyone. Except our mums. That's why."

"Well I'm sure you guys are good because I did see that one video. Don't worry, I won't judge."

"Okay," he said as we backed up out of the driveway.

I went on my phone again, and checked the text I didn't look at before from Jasmine. It said:

Hey B;) What are you doing tonight? Can you come over? My mum said its okay. I hope you're not busy. Text me later <Jazzy>

I hoped I wasn't busy, or that this band practice wouldn't last too long, because I really needed to talk to her. I wanted to tell her about Ashton in person. She always wanted me without Andrew, and with someone else. She never had a crush on him, she just didn't like him. Period. She was dating my friend (who also was a boy, but we didn't like each other like that) Kennedy. He was nice, but gave in to a lot of things that she did. Jasmine was a really good friend, but sometimes she did things I didn't like, or got jealous. But, we all have our faults.

I texted her back:

Hey J! {:3} I'll ask my mum, but right now I'm busy. I'll tell you the details tonight. Can't wait!!!

I put my phone down, and I slipped it into my bag. Ashton saw that I did that, and tries to start up conversation.

"Do you mind if I turn the radio on? It's gets me ready for practice."

"Yeah, you can turn the radio on. I understand."

"Good," he said as he turned the dial. American Idiot by Green Day was on, so he turned the volume up. When it got to the line,'the subliminal mind f**k America', it was blasting loud, and everyone outside the car could hear the curse. An old couple walking upon the sidewalk beside the road we were on said something along the lines of "Kids these days. No consideration for anyone. That music is wretched." Ashton blushed, but didn't say anything except,"Oops."

By the time that situation was done, we were on the line,'Now everybody do the propaganda'. We were both humming along, and I could tell Ashton was trying to hold back his singing. The whole car ride was pretty awkward so far, so I decided to talk to and get to know him more.

"So how far away is Luke's house?"

"Just about a half an hour now."


I realized that I needed to talk to him more, but I didn't know what to say.

"So you play the drums, right? How did you start playing that?"

"Yeah, I play the drums. I got my first drum kit when I was eight, and I've had a few ever since. Do you play any instruments?"

"Piano. And guitar. Sometimes I sing, but I have really bad stage fright. Who else is in the band again?"

"Well Luke's the tall one with the quiff. He plays guitar, and he's the main singer. Soft spot for penguins."

"Then the one, was it Calvin?"

"Calum. He looks like he's Asian but he's not. Don't call him that or he'll be mad. Calum's our bass guitarist."

"And Michael?"

"Michael is also a guitarist. We tell periods of time by what his hair color is. Loves pizza, and obsessed with video games."

"Okay. I just didn't want to mix them up. Do they know-"

"They only think we're friends. I don't want to spring that on them."

"That's smart. Again, I'm sorry about last night. Andrew was a creep that's why I left him."

"What did he do?"

"A lot of things, but I broke up with him because he was controlling."

"A lot of things like what?"

"Here, it started on a weekend in May,"

I was prepared to tell my story.

"So that weekend, a few weeks ago actually, my friend Jasmine had a party."


"Yes, Jasmine, Jasmine Dorhauer. Anyway, she was having a huge party. My boyfriend Andrew was going to be there, but she didn't make a guy-girl party. She didn't have a boyfriend, but she liked my guy best friend, Kennedy. And he trusted me with all his secrets, and so did she.I didn't tell her, but, he told me that he was gay. But he went out with Jasmine after the party. But I'll get to that later. So she also invited everyone popular at our school. Jazz wasn't that popular, but was hoping to gain that. So the day before and the day of the party, Jasmine's mum and dad were out of town. Everyone throws parties when their parents are out of town. The Dorhauer's were on a business trip to California, because they were handling a case, because they're lawyers. I helped set up everything for the party, and it was fairly normal. The strongest the drinks were was a Minster or a Red Bull. No drugs were present before. But there was some during and after. And alcohol before and after. When people started to come, Jasmine acted differently. She was scared if something, but I didn't know what. Later, she told me that bad people where there, but wouldn't tell me who, because she was worried of that person. In the middle of the party, I brought her up to her room, so she could tell me all about what was bothering her. All the other rooms were occupied, because, well, you know. And then she told me that she stopped in one of the other rooms with Kennedy. Not like the other kids, though. She went there to tell him her feelings. The two people who were previously in the room were Andrew, my boyfriend, and Christina, his ex-girlfriend, the one before me. He was kissing her, even though he was supposedly over her. Jasmine and Kennedy tried to leave, but Andrew noticed them, and threatened them not to tell me. He said I was getting boring. So when she told me, I decided op I couldn't never like him. I couldn't break up with him, I didn't want my best friends to get in trouble on my part. We constantly, the three of us, tried to find his other faults, so I could break up with him, so finally I did. But that's another story."

"Oh. I'm sorry 'bout that."

"It's okay. I've been over him for a month now."

I started thinking about the story I told, and realized that Ashton might have thought that I might go all Christina and Andrew in him, and go back to Andrew.

"I will never like him ever. He's too much of a player."

He nodded, as if understanding, and said,"We're here."

"Do I look okay?"

"You look great," he said as he parked, and came around the vehicle to open up the door for me. 

"Ready to meet them. I apologize if they're too weird, or loud, or inappropriate, or-"

"Ashton, I'm sure they are fine. If you like them, I'll like them."

We walked toward the front door, and Ashton pressed he doorbell.

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