The Plan

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The song for this chapter is Kids in the Dark by All Time Low because, well, the house has to pretty dark to not let the neighbours know that they are in the house.

Leaving at 08300 hours, we went through the backyard, and into the woods, which went for a long expense. You could see all the trees, and all the childhoods they took with them. Shadows of kites, miscellaneous play things, and toys. I could also see the remains of a tree house I had when I was little, built by my father, soon before him and my mum got divorced. Owls noisily moved around, and other creatures brushed past our legs as we walked through. The development, called The Outback, was only 100 yards, give or take, away from where we were. Many esteemed government officials, lawyers, and doctors lived in that neighbourhood. So did my ex. And Jasmine. Anywho, when we made it to the border between the woods and the development, we had to climb over a 8 foot fence, which proved to be difficult with 3 somewhat small people trying to scale it, but we made it none the less. We casually walked down the street in the black of night, trying to avoid street lamps, or houses with guard dogs. When we got in front of the house, I looked up at the size. I had lived there for over half my life, but it still seemed huge. Three above-ground floors, and the basement. 5 bathrooms, 6 bedrooms. A private theatre, recording studio, and hot tub, with an outdoor pool in the backyard. The whole house seemed kind of silly for his wife, kids, and himself, on the rare occasion that he was home. Much of the house would have stood collecting dust, if it weren't for the housekeeper, Marta. She had off today, so the coast was clear. As we approached he front door, I heard Ashton whistle, signifying he was impressed. When I got in, I turned the foyer light on so we could see. Interesting shadows loomed in the corners where the light didn't reach. I pulled out a handmade map I had drawn of the house out of my back pocket, and held it so my two partners in crime could see. Everything was perfectly labeled with what the room was, and how we would advertise the band in it. They were each numbered, so we could do it in a specific order. Everyone advertised in every room, except the last one, because that was mine. I had a pre-written apology note to put on my father's night table, so he wouldn't call the cops. No one would put anything in my step-siblings rooms, as to not alarm them. Before I made this plan, I made sure they were out of town, and surely enough, they were also in Sydney with my father, getting to go to the concert with him. Before we took our supplies out of our backpack, Ashton asked,"Are you sure you're not going to get in trouble for this?"

"Of course not," I said,"I'm allowed here every other 2 weekends. I'm not breaking in, but y'all are. Don't worry, I won't report you to the cops. Unless we get caught."

"You know, you're kinda sounding foreboding, Abby." Jasmine pointed out.

"Like we will get caught."

"We won't, just stop worrying. It will be fine. Just don't open any doors to the outside, or windows. It triggers an alarm that notes the police that there's a break-in. Unless you put a registered thumb print in the key pad, it will let my dad know too, and he can see if you use the touch pad, so he'll know it's me. My stepmom, and step siblings are with him."

"What about your brother, Harry?"

"He doesn't like coming here, he never really got along with my dad. He didn't get his print registered."

Seeming satisfied, we moved together to the first room, the kitchen. In the fridge, we found four bottles of condiments: ketchup, mustard, ranch, and relish. Taking some tape from the junk drawer, we taped printed pictures of each boy in the band on the bottles, because the band abbreviation was 5SOS (on the sauce bottles, get it?). Calum was relish, Michael was ketchup, Ashton was mustard, and that left Luke with being ranch.

"Why do I have to be mustard?" Ashton asked me.

"Would you rather be relish? I shot back.


"Good. Now for the private theatre. And no, before you ask, we can't watch any show, movie, etcetera. It's got surround sound, and the neighbours can hear at even the slightest volume."

"Now you're just making me want to test the room out more. You better not say anything else, like he has an indoor pool or something and we can't swim in it." He said.

Jasmine, oblivious to the situation, said,"Oh no, the pool is outdoors. The hot tub is indoors," she completed, chiding him. 

We walked in the theatre and plastered pictures of the band all over the place. When we were finished, we exited toward the door. What I didn't know is that when we entered the room, Ashton had knocked over the remote and it lay in the entryway. Jasmine accidentally stepped in it as we left, and the giant screen came to life. The people who had last used it had the volume at 80/100, which penetrated our eardrums. We quickly turned it off, in case the neighbours heard. Jasmine then scrambled to the window to see if any of the neighbors were coming out. She accidentally touched the latch to open the door, and then the alarm went off. Abby quickly touched the print pad to turn the alarm off, but she knew that her father had found out that someone was in the house. Without the group of three knowing, some neighbours had tipped off the police and they were racing towards the house as the three tried to undo the damage they had already done. Minutes after they thought they were in the clear, (and started "decorating" the recording studio) there was a loud bang on the front door. Abby said," Shh... if we don't open it, they'll think no one is here."

But the police heard her. They banged down the doors and said," It's the police! Come up with your arms up!"

The three realized they were defeated, and decided to do what the police woman said.

The officer, Officer Maik, starting to repeat Miranda," You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you..."

They were cuffed, and each seperately shoved into three different police cars, to be taken to the police station. Abby felt bad for getting her friends in so much trouble, but she knew she could get out of this one. Before the car doors shut, she yelled out to Ashton and Jasmine," Don't worry! I have a plan!"

Jasmine then replied with," And how well did that work out last time?" Before the car doors closed, and they began their long way to the station. One minute some unsuspecting teens, and the next, what were presumed to be three adolescent burglars.

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