Mom: oh- Nothing is there my darling!
(She said getting her composure back)

Y/n: It doesn't seem like that though.
(I said eyeing her)

Mom: it's really nothing my dear and stop this questionnaire, Aren't you getting late for your first day in your new school? Huh?
(She said Changing the topic)

Y/n: uh- ok mom, but just don't hide anything from me, ok? You know I'm always with you.
(I said while being a little worried about my mom)

Mom: It's really nothing sweetheart! Don't worry and Don't ruin your mood this early morning, just eat your food and go to your new school, ok?
( She said changing the whole atmosphere which just got tensed earlier)

Y/n: yeah mom.
( She said in a plain tone)

Mom: don't be like this my love, don't stress yourself, it's really nothing ok?
(She said reassuring her)

Y/n: yes mom
( She said while changing her mood to a better one and putting a small smile on her face)

Mom: And yeah one more thing, don't make any trouble in school, is that clear?
(She said in a strict voice)

Y/n: I will not until someone tries to mess with me.
( She said while getting up from the dining table and heading towards the main door to exit.)

Y/n said bye to her mom, taking her bike keys, heading out of her house, hopping onto the bike, starting the engine and making her way to the new school in which she is going to study now that is 'SEOUL HIGH SCHOOL'.


Y/n's pov

I reached in front of the school.
When everyone saw me, they all started eyeing me up and down, probably judging me. I just ignored all of them and went inside the school.

While walking through the corridors, I saw a group of students crowding around something

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While walking through the corridors, I saw a group of students crowding around something.
As a human being, I was also having this feeling called curiosity, So without thinking twice I just went towards the crowd.

I started to make my way to the centre to see what was happening and the next thing made me shock as well as made my blood boil.

I saw 3 guys beating the shit out of some students, and 4 guys just standing there enjoying this fight session. I was so furious and angry now that I just wanted to stop those 3 bastards from beating those poor students.

Without thinking anything again, I started to make my way towards the boys to stop them, as someone from behind dragged me back towards the crowd.

The person who dragged me back was a boy, I gave him a "what the fuck do you want look?"
In reply he said-

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