🫀i dont wanna live, forever🫀

Start from the beginning

"I don't want it" the younger one tried to push himself off but failed miserably, he barely had any force to move his legs, how could he take down someone that was twice his size?

"Oh but you do, remember last night? I heard a little moan coming directly from your lips when I was touching you...that's the first time in three months" Valdis smirked, he had won him over that night, he had stripped him of all his defences and his strength until he was nothing anymore. He mind washed him so much that he could barely think for himself without falling into what felt like a nightmare.

"No..." jisung had failed, he'd given into the pleasure he so desperately wanted from Minho, the affection he craved so much more then anything else.

If he was honest he didn't even remember it happening at all, was he lying? Did it happen more then once? He felt out of it most of the time, he managed to detach himself from reality to cope with all of the sexual abuse he was going through.

"You did...you betrayed Minho...he doesn't love you anymore, but I do, I take care of you and feed you because that's how nice I am..." jisung turned around and looked into his dark eyes, desperation and fear mixing in the younger's coffee brown eyes.

Valdis then smiled and cupped his face, the younger one melting to the touch easily. The taller one then grabbed him and carried him to the bed, laying him down.

It was natural for his body to react this way after being neglected for so long. Every touch he got made his stomach feel thing, but it wasn't related to Valdis what so ever. It was the feeling he got when he was touched, but he still blamed this all on himself.

Jisung closed his eyes shut, letting a tear fall out before giving up completely.


Minho got a huge pain in his chest, like his heart would explode. He got these a lot ever since Jisung went missing, yet he couldn't put a finger on what it was exactly.

"Are we ready to leave?" Changbin asked all of them sitting at the back of the truc, all of them nodding in agreement as tension filed the air.

"Minho, I need you to know I also contacted the police about this, they will be coming so try not to get in between the fights. You get in there and save Jisung, we'll take care of the rest..."

"How did the police agree to this? We don't exactly have the best history with them" Hyunjin asked, Felix still ignoring him completely.

"I told them we're Jisung's friends from high school and found a lead on where he might be, don't worry I'll answer all their questions, just act 18 again"

"Oh well Hyunjin and Felix are in luck, just act like the first time you cheated on me...that'll be immature enough" changbin blurred out making Felix frown.

"Changbin I never meant for this to happen..."

"Save your excuses Felix...they mean nothing to me anymore. They never will"

"I still love you changbin...so much" Felix admitted as he but down his own lip, looking at changbin through the mirror of the drivers seat.

"Then why would you do that...?" His strong facade slowly faded, seing his broken down mirror he had fixed to make it look shiny again.

"I can explain everything from the beginning, I promise to make it up to you, I'll do anything I can but I can't lose you...I know I cheated-"

"Felix...I...I already knew you were cheating on me...for a long time"

"You...what?" Felix's eyes widened in shock.

"I'm mad it took you so long to tell me...I trusted you Lixie..."

"Chang-" before he could continue the van stopped and Minho quickly got ready and made sure everything was in it's place.

"We're here" changbin said abruptly, they could already hear shots being fired, probably because the police got there before them. They all stepped out of the van and their men did the same, all suited up in black. They joined the fight that they were clearly winning, giving Minho a chance to get inside.

He ran as fast as he could undetected and ran in the now empty hallways that made his every footstep echo around him.

"Jisung!!" His voice broken down, waiting for a response, but getting nothing in return. He walked in every room, barged down every door he could possibly see. He was going insane as he ran in circles waiting to see a glimpse of hope.

He suddenly stopped when he heard a distinct voice from very far away, a mutter, barely even a whisper.



He was left there to rot again, so he pulled up his boxers with the bare amount of feeling he had in his fingers, closing his eyes shut as the pain struck his back and neck. He managed to get up and practically crawl to the window, looking outside the dark night, the only peace he could ever find.

He wondered what it would be like to jump, to let faith decide what happens to him. Would he be crushed by the rocks below? Or would the wind blow him backwards? He didn't really know.

But he didn't really care anymore either.

He opened the window, the sound of the wind piercing his ears and making his cheeks go red from the freezing air.

He stepped on it and looked out in front of him.

"Is this it...?" He looked around the empty room, thinking back at how Minho made him feel, how much he smiled around him. Tears welled up in his eyes without him realizing it, like he had made his decision...

This was it.

"I love you Minho"

skin and bones | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now