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(Dreams point of view).
I started giving George hickey's everywhere. I can feel his body shake as I do that. "Mhm~"(George moaned). I looked at him and smirked. I start to touch George's hips moving it up and down. "S-stop~"(George moaned). I moved him down to wear he was touching my croch. I started to move his hips slamming into me hard. "D-dream what are you doing?"(George asked). I took his dick out and started to play with it. "Aww look how small it is"(Dream said). George got up and looked at me dead in the eyes. "It's not my fault I'm average!"(George said). I pulled him tords me. He pulled himself to the other side to the couch with his ass up. "Ohh George~"(Dream said). I took his pants down and he shivered. I held him down making him not be able to move from this position. He looked at me and blushed. I slid George's boxers off and put a finger in. "Mhm~"(George moaned). I then put two fingers in as he moaned even louder. "F-fuck~"(George moaned). I then stuck my third finger in and he began to shiver even more. "Okay George I'm going to put it in"(Dream said softly). I stuck my dick in and he clasps. "Can we switch positions?"(George said). I flipped him over and started to move his hips. "S-stop"(George said). I stopped and looked at him. "Everything okay?"(Dream asked). He looked at me in tears. "Shhh okay I'll stop"(Dream said). I picked him up and held him. "I'm sorry"(Dream said). George looked at me and passed out. I set him down and got him dressed. I layed down with him and he began to shiver. I got my phone and called Karl. "Hello?"(Karl said). "Hello this is dream George's boyfriend just to let you know that he didn't spread any romors around at all and he's very sorry for apparently upsetting you"(Dream said). I looked at George and covered him with a blanket. "Boyfriend?. George doesn't have a boyfriend!"(Karl said). "Well we just started dating today and don't worry about him having somewhere to live because he's going to be living with me"(Dream said). Karl hung up the phone. I layed next to George and cuddled him. Our first day of dating!.

*Next day*
(George's point of view).
I woke up and saw dream coming in with food. "good morning sweetheart"(Dream said). I blushed and took the food. "Thank you"(George said). I ate my food and got up trying to get ready for school. I put on a white shirt with Jens and looked in the mirror. Great he left a hickey on my neck. "DREAM DO YOU HAVE ANY SCAFS!"(George yelled). He ran upstairs and looked at me. "Oh right sorry I'll get you a turtle neck shirt"(Dream said). He gave me a turtle neck shirt and I put it on. I walked to the car and waited for dream to come out. "Heh sorry I had to get something"(Dream said). He got into the car and started driving. When we got to school the bell already rang and dream was already heading to my first class so we both went to my first class. "Hello everyone"(V said). I quickly sat down and waited for whatever was going to happen. "We are going to have a valentine's dance in a week!"(V said). I looked away from dream. "Stand up if you already got your secret admire right"(V said). I stud up and noticed I was the only one. "George who was your secret admire?"(V asked). I pointed at dream. "Okay so George now you have to get asked out from him to win 4,000 free from any college you want"(V said). I looked at dream and smiled. I sat down and began to think. What would make dream love me more. Ummm maybe acting like I love him a lot. "Hello everyone"(dream said). Everyone looked at him except me. "I have a surprise for George tommorow it could be in the morning it could be after school. What I'm saying is that if your homophobic keep your mouth shut. Okay thank you"(Dream said). I looked at him and laughed. He went to my desk and kissed me. "Im like so going to puke!"(some girl said). He stuck the middle finger at her and left the class. "Are you two dating?"(everyone asked). I looked around and smiled. "I mean sorda"(George said). Everyone looked at me confused. (Are you guys dating or not"(someone said). "You guys would be such a cute couple!"(someone said). I laughed and smiled. "Okay yeah maybe me and him are dating"(George said). Everyone went crazy.

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