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(George's point of view)

"Now please tell me what's happening to you"(Dream said). I looked at him and continued to cry. "I-i don't know"(George studderd). He hugged me and I pulled back. "It's hard for me you know because today I just found out that my friend likes me and bought me everything I could ever want but I can't even tell them what's a matter!"(George said). He looked at me like he was about to snap. "George I just confessed to you and you take crying as getting out of it!"(Dream said). I looked down at the ground with silence. Dream hoddie was soaked with my tears and the fabric was getting itchy. "George what kind of "friends" are we huh we had sex last night and that doesn't tell you anything!"(Dream said). I looked at him pissed. "YOU TOLD ME I FUCKING VENTED TO YOU NOT HAD SEX WITH YOU!"(George yelled). He looked at me in shock. "Sorry god damnit I don't mean last night I mean the night before that"(Dream said). I looked at him with tears running down my eyes. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!(George yelled). Dream looked at me. "Please whatever you do dont hate me..."(Dream said). I looked at him and laughed. "I can't believe that you were the first!"(George said). Dream broke from the sentence. "I-im trying George I really am"(Dream said). I looked at him pissed. "I'm leaving I don't want to see you again!"(George said). I called Karl and told him to pick me up while I waited outside. Karl picked me up and I told him everything that happened. Karl looked at me and sighed. "Just give it some days and you'll be back together"(Karl said). I started to get calls from dream and ignored them. Karl pulls up to his house and turns off the car. "You can go sleep in my room if you want I'm sure you're tired from crying so much today"(Karl said). I walked in and layed down on the couch. "I'm not going to be rude or anything but you guys are just friends?"(Karl said). I looked at Karl. "He's just a friend!"(George said). I then got another call from dream. "You should answer it"(Karl said). I answered the phone. "I-im s-sorry p-please"(Dream said). I got up and tried to get to a more quieter place. "I-its m-my f-fault"(Dream said). I took a deep breath. "Calm down"(George said). I knew he was having some sort of painic attack. "D-dont h-hate m-me g-george"(Dream said). I started to freak out. I held the phone in my hand and relised he hung up. Shit. Karl runs into the room. "Dream tried to commit!"(Karl said). I looked at him shocked. I ran to the car and started crying. "Okay fuck maybe he isn't a friend because I wouldn't be crying like this!"(George said). Karl rushed to the hospital and waited till sapnap walked out. Sapnap walk up to us and smiled. "It's only one visitor at a time and he wants to see George"(sapnap said). I got out of the car and ran into the room. I sat down on the ground crying. "God your so stupid!"(George said). Dream looks at the ceiling and smiles. "I'm sorry"(dreaym said). I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Why just why would you do this!"(George said). He looked at me and started to cry. "Don't hate me please"(Dream said). A tear fell from dreams left eye. I looked at him and kissed him. "I was so worried!"(George said). He looked at me and laughed. "I love you~"(Dream said). I stood there thinking what to say back but I just left. "How did it go?"(Karl asked). I started crying. "He did this because of me!"(George said). Karl looked at me and started to rub my back. "Shhh I'm sure it's not your fault"(Karl said). I started sobbing while sapnap called dream. "George he said he's going to talk to you on Monday because he gets out that day"(sapnap said). I headed to Karl's car and sat there. "Do you want to go to my house or yours?"(Karl asked). I looked down in tears. "Mine I guess"(George said). Karl drove to my house and I just sat there. "We're here!"(Karl said). I stept out of the car and walked inside my house. I closed the door and slid down. I begain to cry and craw into a little ball waiting for something to happen but nothing. Just me alone with my thoughts that might kill me one day.

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