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(George's point of view)
I wake up and grab all my stuff for school. I walk out and see Dream in his Ferrari. "Get in!"(Dream said). I got in the passenger side and he began to drive to taco stand. "Anything you want?"(Dream asked). I shook my head yes. "Two bean and cheese tacos"(George said). Dream ordered and pulled up in the front. "Here you go"(Dream said while giving me my tacos). "Thank you"(George said). He smiled at me. "Can I have a kiss?"(Dream said). I looked at him in shock. "Are you crazy! No!"(George said). He looked at me and laughed. "You have to do whatever I say today"(Dream said). Oh shit now I remember. I turned tords him and gave him a little kiss. "There"(George said). He drove to school and let me out. "Aren't you coming?"(George asked). He looked at me and smiled. "I have to do something but I'll see you in your 1st period"(Dream said). I walked into the school and Karl immediately gave me a hug. "Dude did you here?"(Karl asked). I shook my head no. "There doing this secret admire thing where someone in the student council has a crush on you and gives you stuff!"(Karl said). I looked at him and laughed. "I already know I'm getting nothing"(George said). As soon as I said that the bell rang and everyone went to there first period. I walked in my classroom and sat down. These random people came in and brought stuff to people's desk. The next thing I knew dream walked in and waved at me. I sat there in silence and waited till everything was gone but then there was these boxes that they put on my desk. No way in hell someone has a crush on me. I counted the boxes and there where 56 of them. "Hello everyone!"(Dream said). Everyone said hello back except me. "I'm dream one of the student council members and I'm here to talk about what's going to happen during this week"(Dream said). More people came in. "Hello I'm V I'm also a student council member and today we brought presents to the people  we like there's a lot more of us that will join soon"(V said). Someone raised there hand and V called on them. "So why does George have so much presents like no one likes him"(she said then laughed). Dream look at her pissed. "Your just jealous nobody likes you!"(Dream said). The girl turned tords dream and stud up. She walked close to him and gave him a kiss. "Okay so now you like me give me presents!"(the girl said). He pushed her off and immediately got mad. "Look I'm not into girl sorry!"(Dream said). She looked at him with a disgusted look. "Ewww your gay!"(the girl said). "Anyways by Friday you'll have to guess who likes you in the group if you get it wrong better luck next time but if you get it right you get a scholarship to any college you want!"(V said). I started to unwrap one of the  presents. A gift card. Okay it's to Starbucks that's nice. Dream heads over to my desk and gives me a sticky note then leaves. *Meet me outside the student council room at lunch*. He better have food because I swear if he doesn't I'ma kill him. After opening all those presents it was already lunch time. What the hell why where there so much of them. I walked to the student council room and someone pulls me in. "Hey sorry for that but I got Chick-fil-A you want some?"(Dream said). I shook my head yes and he lead me to a room. I sat down and stared at the ground. "Can I have a kiss?"(Dream asked). I shook my head no. "Why not?"(Dream asked). I looked at him. "You kissed that other girl and she probably has cooties"(George said). He looked at me and laughed. "You sound jealous"(Dream said). "AM NOT!"(George said).  He pulled close to me and gave me a kiss. "Jerk!"(George said). Before I can say anything he gave me food. "Do you have any idea who likes me in the student council?(George asked). He shook his head yes. "Tell me!  I wanna know! They keep on spending a lot of money on me!(George said). Dream started laughing. "I'm not going to tell you! You have to wait and see"(Dream said). I looked at the ground trying to make him feel bad. "I'm going to have another party at my house wanna help me set it up?"(Dream said). I looked at him and smiled "Sure!"(George said). He looked at me. "Be at my house tommorow by 5 or do you want me to pick you up?"(Dream said). I looked at him. "Can you pick me up I don't have a car"(George said). He looked at me and laughed. "Yeah yeah I'll pick you up"(Dream said).

That night~{DNF}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ