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(George's point of view)
*Today's Monday*
I got up and got ready then I opened my door and noticed a little green card saying *sorry to tell you this but your being kicked out you have till today to get out of your House*. I looked down and walked to school. Could this day get any worse. I walked into school and Karl already knew I was upset. "What's wrong?"(Karl asked). I stared at the ground and tried to hold in my tears. "I got kicked out of my house today"(George said). Karl looked at me. "You can stay at my place"(Karl said). I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you"(George said). The bell rang and I went to my first class. I sat down and waited. "Hello everyone today you will be getting cards. Each card eather has a ask out or nothing"(V said). She gave me a card and I flipped it over. "Whoever has a ask out on the back stand up"(V said). I stud up and looked at her. "Okay George go to room 136. Tyler go to room 789. Saly go to room 756"(V said). I stud up and grabbed my stuff heading to the 100 hall. I looked at every classroom till I hit 136. I slowly opened the door to see  a dark room. I walked to the middle of the room and looked around. "George?"(Dream said). I looked around and I saw dream. "D-dream?"(George said). He walked over to me and gave me a hug. "I missed you"(Dream said). I hugged him tighter and began to cry. "Shh it's okay"(Dream said). He lifted my chin and looked at me. "Don't tell me you didn't sleep"(Dream said). I looked at him. "What happened to you?"(Dream asked). I tried to look away but I couldn't. "I-im sorry"(George said). He looked at me and gave me a kiss on the lips. "It's not your fault"(Dream said). I buried my head into dream chest and cried. "Dream what are w-we?"(George asked). Dream looked at me. "Well you already know I like you"(Dream said). He lifted my chin and faced me tords him. "Do you like me?"(Dream asked). I tried to look away but his grip was to tight. "Y-yeah"(George said). He let go of me. "So George what are we?"(Dream asked). I looked at him. "I- I don't know"(George said). He picked me up and smiled. "Well I like you and you like me so?"(Dream said). I looked away. "So?"(George said). Dream pined me to the wall and smirked. "George Davidson will you be my boyfriend?"(Dream asked). I looked away trying not to look like a tomato. "Y-yes"(George studderd). "Huh what did you say I cant hear you?"(Dream said). I looked at him. "I-i said y-yes"(George said). He looked at me and smiled. "Can you repeat that?"(Dream said). I looked at him pissed off. "I said yes you dumbass"(George said). He kissed me and laughed. "I love you"(Dream said). He put me down and kissed me again. "Come on say I love you back"(Dream said). I looked at him. "I love you to"(George said). Dream held my hand and walked out of the room. I opened my phone and got a text from Karl. *I can't believe you would tell my secret to everyone you asshole! Go die and I take it back you cant live at my house!*. I started crying and hugged dream. "What happened?"(Dream asked). I showed him my phone. "I have no were to live now my landlord kicked me out and now Karl's pissed at me!"(George said). Dream looked at me and held my hand up. "You can live with me I'll buy you anything you need and I'll talk to Karl!"(Dream said). I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "T-thank you"(George said). Dream gave me a kiss again. "How about we go to my place and just hang out"(Dream said). I shook my head yes as we held hands together walking to his car. "I'm sorry you had to go through this"(Dream said). I looked at him and kissed him. "Don't worry about me"(George said). He looked at me and smiled. "I am going to worry about you"(Dream said). He drove to his house and picked me up. "Put me down I know how to walk!"(George said). He laughed and placed me down on the couch. "Is there anything you want?"(Dream asked). I looked around and shook my head no. "You sure?"(Dream said). I looked away. "There's nothing I want"(George said). Dream smiled as he walked over to me. "I love you~"(Dream said). I looked away again. "I said I love you"(Dream said). I looked at the ground trying to ignore him. "Fine then I guess you don't love me"(Dream said). I started crying for no reason I guess I'm just really sensitive today. "Shhh hey it's okay"(Dream said). He picked me up and rocked me like a little baby. "Why are you crying?"(Dream asked). I looked at him. "I-i don't know"(George said). Dream took his phone and started to Google stuff. "Are you hungry?"(Dream asked). I shook my head no. "Are you thirsty?"(Dream asked). I shook my head no. "Are you horny?"(Dream asked). I looked at him. "I guess that's a yes?"(Dream said). I looked away. He layed me down on the couch and smirked. "Are you horny George"(Dream asked). I looked away but then he grabbed my chin forceing me to look at him. "Are you horny?"(Dream flirted). I shook my head no but he began to kiss me. "Tell the truth George!"(Dream said). I shook my head no as he faced my neck. "I'll give you one more chance!"(Dream said). I shook my head no once again. Dream gives me a hickey on my neck and my body began to shiver. "Im not going to go easy on you~"(Dream flirted)

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