Part 8 Moments

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I was cleaning my apartment,waiting for them to show up. I was really hoping that Gareth will show up,but he said that he's not sure if he could make it. It was past 5 p.m. when I heard the door bell. I opened the door.

"Hey." Doris,Kristina,Romano and Duje said.

"Hey. Come on,get in." I said,opening door for them to get in.

"What did you plan for us to do today?" Romano said as they sat on the couch in the livingroom.

"Well... I though that we should first study something together,order pizza,watch movie and go to sleep. Is that okey?" I asked them.

"Everything is fine. But you forgot one thing." Doris said,looking at me.

I just stared at her weird.

'I don't remember anything else.'

"You forgot Gareth." Doris said,smilling with others.


"I don't know if he will come. He said that he will try but... I don't think he'll come. He is a busy man. He said that he needs to finish grading tests. So... After all I didn't forget anything cause he won't come." I said to them,feeling sad.

"Oh,come on. Don't be so negative. You never know. Maybe he'll come." Kristina said,trying to cheer me up.

"Anyway... First we need to study,right? So...let's go. Let's start with something boring. Math... And just go and leave your bags in the bedroom." I said to them,pushing them in the right direction.

"What do you guys want to drink?" I asked them,getting cups.

One and half hours later.

"Okey. Let's take a break and order some pizza?... Kiki! Duje! What are you doing?" I said and asked them.

They were running around,chasing each other. When I said to them to stop,Kiki jump on couch and Duje jumped on her. Okey...

"...Well then. You may use the bedroom if you want to continoue it. Is pizza Margarita and Mixed one okey?" I asked them.

"Yup" They said.

I ordered pizza and we continoued to study.

*Half hour later*


"Coming." I shouted.

"Guys,sat the table. I'll go get the pizza." I said to them and they stared preparing it.

"Just a second." I shouted to the pizza dolivery guy,looking for money.

I opened the door,still searching through my wallet. I didn't look up.

"Here you go." I said and FINALLY looked up.

I was expecting a dolivery guy,not...not Gareth standing there with our pizza in his hand. He was smiling. I was really suprised.

"No need,it's okey." He said joking about paying for pizza.

"Thank you." I said and moved so he could get in. "So I called the wrong number or?" I asked when he got in.

"Nothing. No,miss you didn't." He sadi smiling at me." I saw him and decided I will take it and bring it myself." He added.

"Good... You didn't eat it? Did you?" I asked,joking.

"Mmm... Maybe just a little." He answered,joking with me.

He planted a small kiss on my lips then started walking towards the living room. I followed him.

Just a fling,or maybe more?  (Gareth Bale story) ON HOLDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat