I looked up to see my favorite person in the world.

"Hey baby," Brett said, smiling and pulling me into a hug. I closed my eyes and hugged him back, enjoying the electricity coursing through my veins at his touch. "You okay? Ali said you were getting Advil."

"Major headache, lower back pains," I replied, noticing they had only gotten worse.

"Ouch," he replied, and I felt him wince a little at the thought of me being in pain. He pulled away and looked at me, his arms on my shoulders. "You want a back rub?" He waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. I nodded and grinned, leading him towards my room.

He closed the door behind us and I sat on my bed as he sat behind me. He started slowly massaging my back, loosening up all the knots. After about ten minutes I was getting really sleepy and I told him to stop, so I laid in his arms instead. We talked for a little bit until I fell asleep listening to the sound of his voice.


I woke up in the morning and found myself running to the toilet, retching up all the food in my stomach. This continued until there was nothing left, and I felt another headache coming on as I rolled on my back to lay on the cold tile floor and closed my eyes.

I heard footsteps walk from my bed into the bathroom, where I was laying.

"Hey, baby, you okay?" I heard Brett's voice say. I numbly shook my head and I felt him pick me up and hold me to his chest, bridal style. I felt myself being carried then laid on my soft mattress.

"I feel horrible," I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear me. I opened my eyes and he moved some hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"You tired?" he asked softly, looking into my eyes. I nodded. "Hungry?" In response my stomach grumbled, making Brett chuckle. He left the room and I closed my eyes again, my head pounding.

I heard footsteps enter my room about fifteen minutes later, a door close, then the footsteps came to the side of my bed. I grudgingly opened my eyes to see the love of my life above me. He helped me into a sitting position, which hurt, but he put two pillows and an ice pack behind me.

"I think I have the flu," I muttered, slight wincing as I got comfortable. Brett sat on the edge of the bed next to me, looking into my eyes, making my heart melt. He brushed my leg as he moved into a comfortable position and sensational sparks shot through my body.

"I'm sorry baby," Brett said sympathetically, and put a glass of milk in my hands. "Drink some milk, and I'm making pancakes that will be done soon." He looked at his watch and I smiled, he was so sweet. I sipped a little of my milk then I set it on my bedside table.

"I went running yesterday too, I'm pretty sure that's why my back hurts," I said. Brett looked into my eyes and caressed my cheek with his hand.

"It hurts me to see you in pain," he whispered. I closed my eyes and leaned my face into his hand, the electricity between us immediately making the pain go away.

"I feel fine now," I replied, my eyes still closed and my mouth turned into a small smile.

"That's good," I heard him mumble and I felt his lips brush against mine.

Our lips met again, and I automatically twisted my hands into his hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I moaned quietly and pulled him impossibly closer when he abruptly pulled away, and the pain in my back and headache were once again there. I whimpered at no longer being close to him.

"Pancakes," he muttered as he quickly got off the bed and walked out of the room. I leaned against the pillows and ice, closing my eyes.

A few minutes later he was back, and I opened my eyes to see a tray set on my lap. There was a plate of chocolate chip pancakes, a small bowl of syrup, a glass of orange juice, utensils and a red rose. I smiled up at Brett and he leaned down to peck my lips. He walked around my bed and sat down next to me, draping an arm around my shoulder as I started eating. He ran a hand through his messy hair nervously. I raised an eyebrow at him as I shoved a fork full of pancakes in my mouth.

"So, I've been thinking..." he started, making me nervous. I swallowed my food as I waited for him to continue. "Doyouwanttogoonavacationwithme?" He talked so quickly I could barely tell what he was saying.

"Come again?" I replied.

"Do you want to go on a vacation with me?" he asked. "I mean, I know you're leaving in six days. I want to do something that will make this memorable to you." I laughed.

"Babe, this has already been the best time of my life," I said easily, laughing again. He is so cute, did he really think this wasn't enough for me? Just spending time with him was enough. I smiled at him as I wide grin stretched across his face.

"It'll only be one night, your last night here," he said, still smiling. "We're going to Miami." I smiled; I had never been to Miami before.

"That sounds great," I said, taking another bite of my forgotten food.

"All the arrangements are already made, we're going to fly there, first class, and spend the night in the penthouse suite at the Delano Hotel." He sounded so giddy, like a kid on Christmas morning. I gasped.

"Holy shit, how much are you spending?" I asked, shocked. The penthouse suite? I realized his family was also well off, but why would he spend so much on me, and for only one night?

"Doesn't matter, baby," he said smiling at me and shaking his head, amused. "It only matters that I'm with you." I immediately forgot about everything else and pulled him to me, kissing him passionately. I heard some things clatter together on the tray and pulled away, too soon.

I saw Brett pout for a moment, then he rearranged it into a smile. I knew he watched my ass as I got off the bed, my back to him, and popped my back. The pain had kept going away, then coming back when I wasn't touching Brett. I turned back to the bed and picked up the tray, walking out of the room. I heard Brett get up and follow me as I put the tray on the kitchen counter next to the sink, starting to clean it up.

"Leaving me?" Brett joked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder, closing my eyes as the pain instantly went away.

"Of course, but you just won't stay away," I muttered as I breathed in his scent, trying to keep the smile from appearing on my lips. I heard Brett chuckle as he unwrapped his arms, my eyes snapping open at the loss of contact, and nudged me to the side. I obeyed as I saw he, in turn, cleaned up the tray then turned to smile at me when he was done.

I stepped forward and kissed him, our arms wrapping around each others' bodies. I heard someone clear their throat and I immediately pulled back, my cheeks burning. I looked at my feet as I heard Brett chuckle, amused at my embarrassment.

"Ew," Ali said disgusted, and I heard her footsteps go back to her room, followed by her door closing.

I felt another wave of nausea as I rushed to the sink, emptying my stomach of my breakfast.


Author's Note: This chapter is kind of boring, but at least I finally had time to write. I had to take FOUR history tests and lots of quizzes this week. I think my teachers have plotted aginst me...anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!

<3 you guys!! Thanks for reading!!!!

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