The Epiphany

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'Twas a dark, stormy night, a ruckus of thunder and harsh rain barraging the walls of the home with their penetrating noise. The branches of a tree rattled and scraped against the window opposing it, tapping as if to want inside. And on the other side of the chaos, the inside of the room lay dark, assorted with plenty of bookshelves, with plenty more books. And in the corner of the room was a bed, with plenty of books scattered atop the blanket surrounding a particular bulge, which gently rose slightly- and back down shortly afterwards.

The sound of a door opening didn't stir the boy under the bed. The gentle tip-tap of footsteps didn't stir him either. The sudden sneeze, made louder by the intruder's attempt to vainly stop it, along with the near-silent curse that they said after didn't stir him one bit.

When the sound of the storm stopped suddenly, that's what woke him up.

The following attack was just overkill.

"Wake UP!"

The feeling of hard palms dug into his stomach, and he couldn't help but release a groan as the pressure blew his air away. "Fuuuuhhh..."

Worming his way to the top of the blanket his head emerged from it, bleary-eyed and messy-haired. He groaned, sleep still on his mind. "...turn the storm back on..." He said, reaching for his phone.

The intruder took the phone and placed it on a bookshelf on the other side of the room.


"Come on!" The little girl said, very much filled with vigour. "It's time to get up!"

The boy weakly lifted his head to look at her. "...why?"

"Because I made breakfast," The boy moved to get up. "And then get to school-"



He snuggled his head into the pillow, closing his eyes as he started to drift off, idly using his arms to shield himself from the blows of the girl. With a huff the intruder left, leaving him to his own devices.

His own devices, in this case, being sleep.




He heard the creaking of the door again.

"Go awa-"

He heard the spritz of the spray bottle and knew his fate was sealed.

Groaning as the cold water vapour hit his face, he buried it into the pillow to shield himself from the onslaught.

The water hit his ear, and he folded the pillow to hid it away.

The water hit the back of his head, so he hid under the pillow.

The water hit his neck, so he slid the pillow to cover his entire head.


... His eyebrows furrowed. Something wasn't right.

Tempted to take a peek outside his soft bunker, he slowly lifted his blanket...

... Right as the bottom was lifted as well. His eyes widened in fear.

Ice cold water hit his unprotected feet.


He jerked, but that proved to be a mistake as he hit his poor head on the headboard. "Awww..."

The girl walked to his side, arms crossed with the spray bottle hanging loosely in her left hand. "Are you awake now?"

He nodded slowly, still cradling his aching head. "Yes..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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