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✨bad bitch crew✨💋

HAI. I need to tell ya'll something. Meet at the park in say fifteen?

Y/N did you do something illegal?

How dare you accuse me of such😭

We'll meet you there dont mind Artemis🤣

Y/N gets up from her bed and gets ready putting on black leggings and a blue shirt with blue furry slides. She leaves some food for Diamond, got her bag and leaves the apartment. When she gets to the park she sees the girl gang all waiting on her. "So what did you gather us here for?" Artemis asks slinging her arm around Y/N's neck. "Better if I show you." Y/N holds out her left hand where her engagement ring is. It did take a minute to process before they start cheering.

"He asked?! YESSSSS!!!!!"Artemis jumps up and down with Megan. "She's gonna be a wifey! Our whore is gonna be a wifey!" Zatana runs and hugs Y/N tightly. "We gotta tell the guys." Cassie pulls out her phone and texts everyone in the group chat. Within a few minutes the guys pulled up. "What's the emergency?!" Aqualad immediately gets in a fighting stance. "Ok maybe I over exaggerated  anyways SHOW THEM!" Y/N giggles and shows the guys her ring. It took the guys longer to register the shock but when it settles in they start to cheer.

"Shit he asked?!" Tim runs up and hugs Y/N tightly. "Yes, yes he did." She smiles. Conner almost fainted when he realized. He was the slowest to understand. When he did the hug he gave Y/N a hug that almost killed her. "My little sister is growing up" He fakes tears. "Nigga- your only a year above me." She punches him in the chest. "Y/N congrats. I wish you and Dick well." "Kaldur you acting as if your not invited to the wedding. Probably gonna be one of the grooms men." Y/N laughs.

When Green, Blue and Aqualad went to take down Black Beetle

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When Green, Blue and Aqualad went to take down Black Beetle. Dick got a call about Black's plan to blow up the world. Y/N started to panic as she got to Metropolis. Once Captain Atom gave out all the assignments, Y/N and Dick got onto their eagle. "Italy Angel." They got to Italy quickly seeing as it's an eagle she chose. Y/N distracts the Beetle warriors and Dick plants the egg. "Gamma squad deployed mph!" Dick kisses Y/N and she kisses back lovingly. "Mmm~" She snakes her arms around his neck loosely as he pulls her closer by her ass. She moans into the kiss before letting go.

"Dick really?" She giggles. "So I can't kiss my fiancé huh? Watch me." Dick smirked before pulling Y/N back into another kiss. "God I love you." She giggles giving him a quick peck. Dick chuckled picking Y/N up bridal style. "I'll hold you like this on our wedding day." Dick smiled. Y/N's heart melted seeing him so happy about their wedding. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a sweet gentle kiss. "I'll kiss you like that on our wedding day." She smiled. The couple zetas back to the watch tower after hearing that theirs a 21st MFD in the Artic, but it had already gone chrysalis. Flash and Impulse were already up there. "time to go." Y/n said heading to the zeta tubes. She was going to the Artic on her Polar bear. 

She got there pretty quick and saw that they were decreasing the crystallization. She watched in horror seeing Kid get hit after hit with the beams. It broke her heart to see her bestfriend in pain. After about 15 more minutes it disappeared. They did it! Once the smoke cloud moved only two of the flashes remained. "Where's Wally?" Artemis asked. Flash's face sunk making it known that, Wally was gone. Artemis dropped to the ground and Y/N fainted. It was like her heart literally stopped in that exact moment. "Babe wake up." Dick gently tapped her body in his arms. He dropped when she dropped. Y/N didn't come too and Dick performed CPR on her. She woke up on the third try but with tears. "He's gone." She cried on Dick's chest. All he could do was hold her tight. 

Seeing her breakdown after losing her bestfriend. Dick couldn't even process the fact that his bestman, bestfriend, his brother was gone. Y/n hugged Dick back still crying. Dick picked her up and started walking back to the ship he came on. She needed to be at home. It was to much for her to handle. Once he got her home,  she changed and fell asleep almost immediately. Not before giving Dick a hug and a few cuddles. "I need a break Dick. We need a break. I mean from the team. It- It's draining and after how today went, I don't know anymore." She pleaded. "I was thinking the same thing angel. I'll tell Kaldur." He kissed her forehead before putting on his mask and sneaking out the window, closing it back. 

"Dick this really isn't the time for you to retire." Kaldur said walking side by side with the man. "Not retiring, a leave of absence." "But Dick." "We need a break Kaldur. Me and Y/N. If anything happens Barbra is always here but we need a break. Without Wally it just doesn't fell right for the both of us. Plus we still have a wedding to plan. We need it."

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