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"When you left without a care, did you forgot about me?


Third person POV

"Haven't you ever heard what the wise men has ever taught us?" A male in twenties wearing nothing but black called out in a teasing way as a wide smirk rested on his face.
"N-no" The man who was already bathed in blood stutterers out wanting to be set free. "Then listen attentively."

Be greedy enough just so you could survive in this world,
If you were ever to exceed it,
You'll only find your own doom awaiting for you.

The male stared at the man who fell to the ground unconsciously which was covered with blood from head to toe, probably dead. He tssked and tossed his gun at the fellow standing at the other corner of the room slightly shivering and exited himself. He muttered to himself annoyed, "he won't be in that state if he didn't had the audacity to work here while working for another."

He was walking on the corridor which lead to his room when a worker of his stopped him in midway. He was already pissed enough but decided to listen whatever this peasant got to say because that's going to be his last words.
"Boss our trucks were delayed by Sean's and now the dealers broke off our deal because they missed the monthly ship."

The other flinched but the 'boss' didn't care, he had more things to worry about. He looked at his worker with fumed eyes filled with rage and the other immediately knew they were done for. As the other was already accepting his fate of dying in the hands of his boss the other took a deep breadth and calm down.

"I guess people are having a audacity boost these days. We should punish them and told their place shouldn't we?" The worker nodded his head virguorsly afraid for his dear life.

"But....not now. I want to have some fun." The said male grinned with a sick laugh following after before walking ahead.


A certain man awaited for his son's arrival as he kept waiting for a guard to inform him that his son was here to meet him. He groaned again when he didn't hear it and now it was almost afternoon. Why he was in a hurry? He had done a thing which was very much equal as playing with fire and he was now waiting till his saviour comes before the fire, itself starts to burn.

    Xiao Zhan was on his way back to the place where he was born and was raised through his childhood. He reminisced how hard it was for him to look at his Yibo's sleepy face and make up his mind to come here. Even though he was sure his father won't capture him and never let go he had a deep insecurity about it as more as he got closer to the mansion in middle of woods.

Xiao Zhan sighed as he knew it was going to be morning soon as the sunlight slowly started to peek through his window curtains. He was restlessly staring at his ceiling all night after he and Yibo's little game. He was actually amused how much stamina the other had to go three rounds just on the first time.

He glanced to his right side where Yibo's laid with closed eyelids—in deep sleep. It was true that most of the night both were wide awake and it was probably around three when they decided to call it a night.
The reason for him to be restless is that after his childhood best friend, Jiyang came and told him about his current situation he couldn't just make up his mind to ignore what he said. He was afraid..not of himself but to the other who laid next to him. He knew how exactly his dad's mind worked and that's what scared him.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when the sunlight faintly hit his face telling its already morning now. He was in a deep dilemma and didn't knew what to do. 'If I'm going..I should go before Bo di wakes up.' He reminded himself and woke up.

'Its better to take the risk than letting him die.' He muttered to himself and stood up. He got ready while assuring himself that he will be lucky enough to come back without being held down by his dad there. After he was done, he came back to the room to take a final glance at his lover before reluctantly breaking his eyes off and tip-toeing away.

Zhan sighed as he was now waiting at the door until his dad calls him inside. When he was pushed inside with his best friend who only gave him a small smile which gave Zhan chills on his spine. He never smiles-

"Ohh my son, my marvellous son how much I missed you." Zhan almost barfed at his dad's comment.
"I'm so glad you finally made up your mind to be the next leader here again. Oh what would I do without a very independent son like you." I glared at him as he said it. "I didn't came here to stay. I came here to finally say it to your face that I don't have any interest in your filthy business. Don't ever pasture me again because I will never agree. Can't you find another blood line by one of your sluts?"

Oof did I went too far? I should've not have made him angry.
I observed how his facade of a smile disappeared completely and returned to his its original state. Zhan still managed to keep looking directly at his father's eyes in a challenging manner.
"Watch your mouth young man." Zhan huffed looking away.
"It's a waste of time to talk right now. Get back to your room. You can call them if you want anything." Zhan widened his eyes as the horror he feared came back as a reality which is going to happen. No..I can't. My Yibo must be waiting for me.
"I'm not staying." He said determine evident in his voice. Xiaofeng gave him an annoyed look before muttering, "Stop being an idiot kid. Just do as I say and everything will be fine."


Zhan made his way out—showing off a guard who has the audacity to block his path. From the corner of his eyes he saw Jiyang nodding his head and turning around and running to another side. Zhan knew he had a plan to stop his dad somehow even so he made his way out without bothering to slow down while going.

He didn't knew what he was going to do even if he was able to safely get back to his house. Because he knew that 'safe' would only last for few time until his dad finds him. With his head in a complete mess, Zhan came back into his house closing the door behind him and before he could even take a breath without worrying about someone sending a flying bucket at him, he was enveloped in a tight hug.


Online school is gonna end T~T

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