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"Why are you so careless idiot?"

Zhan POV

I have never ever in my life kept goofing around all day like today. Probably because I didn't got a chance but nevertheless here I am—almost middle of night, walking around. But at least one good thing came from the hours of walking. I saw places where I didn't even knew existed in here in the first place.

I gasped internally when I realised where I have been stopped in my footsteps. It was non other than the cemetery itself. Now for the real question, Why am I here? Well for that I still don't know the answer. I shook my head in despair and was about to walk away when a sudden clattering like sound erupted. All the horror movies I've been watching lately was giving a live show inside my mind as I gulped and took another foot forward. As always my curiosity got the best of me and I ended up looking at the cemetery and immediately realising that there was a actual person—sitting by a tomb stone.

Has a shadow so a real person.
Or was it a shadow?
I decided to keep watching at the unknown persons actions, ignoring the fact that his back seems to be strangely familiar. Maybe it was the kind of familiarity I felt made me to step inside the cemetery;not bothering to think about why a person would be roaming around in here at night nor why am I presenting myself as a gift for unknown ghosts there.

I was able to keep my steps forward without rustling leaves which were on the ground until I came nearer the person. He was back facing me but as if he heard me coming—he turned around and that's when I knew who exactly he was. I almost face palmed for my stupidity while crouching down to not let him see me. If he sees me following him around, he will surely think that I'm guilty and he'll think I took upon his job of being a stalker. Oh my poor ego-
Besides what is two people doing in middle of a cemetery in the first place? I glanced around to notify myself as there were only two of us.

The more I keep looking at him back the more my legs started to hurt from staying in this crouched position for too long. I have no idea why am I keep watching him without leaving. Besides I'd rather kill myself than admitting the fact, it was because I was scared that something might happen to him from staying alone too much at the middle of night.
I flinched when I heard another rustling sound not far away from him which I knew for sure—wasn't Yibo's . When I look at the place where sound came more attentively, I realised there was also a third person.

He kept reaching closer and closer towards Yibo as if he didn't notice me yet until he was only two tomb stones behind from Yibo. Argh idiot, can't you see someone is behind you? I wanted to wack that kid's head for not paying am much attention to his surroundings.
I was still debating if I should go help him ignoring our last argument or just keep staying there—watching everything. But I was automatically stood up when I saw the third person taking out a knife and launching forward. I didn't know from where I got the sudden courage or the sudden speed to ran there and kick him on the back—enough for him to fall down.

Fuck my swore about not getting into any fights.

He turned around facing me from the ground and aimed his knife towards me. But I was quick enough to grip onto his hand and twist it around enough for me to have the possession of the knife. I kept the knife on his throat—threatening with my eyes to not move or I'll just slice his throat.

As if he heard our movements just now, Yibo turned around and looked at me and the man beneath me with a horrified look. He kept switching his eyes towards me and to the other and stopped on me eventually. I gave him a awkward laugh,
"Haha....how are you doing?" I smiled innocently at him as he looked at me as if I'm crazy.

"What the fuck? Why are you- why him- I- what's even happing here?" He asked as I tightened my grip on the unknown man with a mask on his face beneath me. "Stop squirming around." I whisper yelled at him and looked at Yibo to explain the whole situation.
"So you see, I was just walking around then I saw you-" I was unable to continue due to a sudden pain on my head which made me eventually loose my grip on the man. When I know I was on the floor instead with a unbearable pain on my head. With my half closed eyes I saw two of men wearing black, running away and Yibo running towards me. I wanted to reply to his questions but darkness enveloped me starting from creating black spots on my vision.

Third person POV

"Sir sir we got news that young master have been spotted in roads near the place he is working."
A man said as the 'sir' kept thinking about how to get his son back.

"Ah, how's those Wang's doing? Any new threats?" Finally he asked as the other who just came in waited for a second to recall. "Oh yes. They recently caught our packs which were about to be shipped yesterday and took more than half of them."

The leader of them groaned and glared at his worker who looked down. "Why are you telling me this now? You should've told me yesterday? Do you even know how much those coasted? That's was one of best deals we've got," He said thinking about how much of a loss it was.

"B-but sir even if we told yesterday, what could we possibly d-do." The other snapped his head towards his worker—glaring. "Of course. What can I do with not good at anything dumbasses like you? Exactly." He rolled his eyes as his worker shut his mouth tight knowing he went too far.

"Why can't they just keep doing whatever they want out of my territory. It's all his too-good son, who is behind all of this. If it was his father, I would've already brought those Wang's down. But no, his amazing son had to take upon his fathers position and now I can't even keep running my business." He rambled in anger as his follower kept thinking of a way to impress the other in order to higher his position in the gang.

"Sir, maybe we could massacre them?" He said suddenly when the older glared up at him.
"If you want to die so early keep staying here while sporting nonsense. If you want to live a one more day, get out of my sight." The other threatened as his worker immediately sneaked out.

'Tsk massacre them. If I can do it why am I wasting my time here on idiots like you?' He muttered wanting nothing more but to get rid of his enemy.

"Why you had to be my own downfall XIAO ZHAN?" He growled—slamming his fists on the table.


Ik you all r eager so did a favour-

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