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The Tesseract has awakened. It is on a little world, a human world. They would wield its power.

           But our ally knows its workings as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force...

 ...Our Chitauri will follow...

The world will be his...

...The universe, yours.

And the humans, what can they do....

But burn?

Author's Note: Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for reading and taking a chance on my story. As I said in the description, this is my first ever story. I started it years ago and just finished it in January and have edited and rewritten it about five times over the span of its existence, Haha! I've been super nervous to publish it, so hopefully it isn't cringy or anything--which I'm sure it is--but I've tried my hardest to avoid it. In the future, there may be some edits because I am an extreme perfectionist, but for now this is what I have. I'm excited and kind of terrified for people to read it, but this entire story is dedicated to anyone who does take a chance and reads it. So, thank you in advance.


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